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Leader Rules

1. General Characteristics

Obtaining the Leader Function

1.1.1 Admins with the Faction Manager role (admins 4+) will compile a list of candidates who deserve a chance at such a position, based on a list of priorities and certain basic criteria we wish to see from a candidate.

List priority:

  • members who have accumulated considerable seniority (rank 4+) in the faction we are seeking a Leader for.
  • former members with considerable seniority (rank 4+), who have left the faction we are seeking a Leader for no more than a month ago, have the second priority.
  • members who have accumulated considerable seniority (rank 4+) in other factions of the same type have the third priority.
  • anything that does not fit into the above-mentioned criteria has the last priority.

Base criteria we're looking for:

  • not to have any bans, including on secondary accounts.
  • not to have recently lost any other functions.
  • to have decent activity (real hours played) in the last few months of the game.
  • not to have multiple or serious sanctions received in the last 6 months, especially sanctions for behavior or serious rule violations, both on the main and secondary accounts.
  • not to have been involved in serious rule violations in the last 6 months, but without being caught and sanctioned.
  • not to notice suspicious activity on the account, such as multiple email changes, multiple IPs from different areas, VPN usage, sharing the account with others, etc.
  • to generally exhibit decent behavior, if we find indications that the player does not know how to behave, they will be omitted from the list of candidates even if they have no sanctions.
  • if the player has held the Leader position for at least 6 months and has resigned or lost it, they must wait a minimum of 3 months to be eligible for a new chance.
  • if the player has held the Leader position for under 6 months, they must wait a minimum of 6 months to be eligible for a new chance.

Info note

Depending on the case, things may vary slightly from what is listed above. There are times when there's a lack of candidates, and we may be more lenient with the criteria. There are individuals who have proven they have no place on the staff team, so we will omit them even if they seem to meet the basic requirements. Similarly, there may be individuals who have proven they've learned their lesson and have made significant contributions, making us want to give them a chance.

Nothing is set in stone, and everything is decided based on the situation at hand. The staff will always communicate and decide who the best candidates are at that time.

1.1.2 Once the list is finalized and there are enough candidates, there will be two polls. The first poll will be voted on by all admins.

1.1.3 Depending on the results, the top 3 most voted candidates will proceed to a secondary poll, which will be conducted for the members of the faction for which a Leader is sought.

1.1.4 If only 2 candidates obtain the majority of the votes, the poll will be conducted with only 2 candidates. If 4 candidates have a similar number of votes, we will add 4 candidates as much as possible.

1.1.5 Players on the list are allowed to ask faction members to vote for them, but they are not allowed to buy votes or make false promises.

Info note

The player who wins the vote will participate in a short interview on Discord with one or more faction managers to get to know the candidate better, understand how well they know the rules, and address any questions they have about the position and similar matters.

Function Seniority

1.2.1 The minimum period you must serve as a Leader to avoid receiving FP 300 is 4 months.

1.2.2 This period is set because we want individuals who take on such a role to understand its importance even before accepting it. No one is obligated to accept the leadership position, you do it of your own free will. However, you must be aware that you need to get involved from the moment you accept it.


The Leader position is a privilege we offer you, not an absolute right. We decide who deserves a chance and we also decide who is not performing their duties properly and no longer deserves to hold this position.

Faction Punish 0/60:

  • any Leader who fulfills the minimum period mentioned above and who leaves the position through a resignation request will be removed with Faction Punish 0.

Faction Punish 60/60:

  • any Leader who fulfills the minimum period mentioned above and accumulates 3/3 Leader Warns will be removed with Faction Punish 60/60.

Faction Punish 300/60:

  • any Leader who does not fulfill the minimum period mentioned above will be removed with Faction Punish 300/60.

Leader Activity

1.3.1 Leaders are required to have a minimum of 25 real hours played per month (hours without sleep) (sanction: Leader Warn for the first offense, Dismissal if repeated).

1.3.2 Leaders who have not logged into the game for at least 3 days without having an inactivity request or notifying the staff about the situation will be sanctioned with Verbal Warning for the first offense, and if repeated with 3/3 Leader Warns.

1.3.3 Leaders who do not have at least one week of seniority cannot make inactivity requests.

1.3.4 Inactivity requests will be made in the dedicated channel on the staff's Discord.

1.3.5 Leaders who do not have at least one month of seniority will not be able to make inactivity requests longer than 5 days.

1.3.6 Leaders are entitled to a maximum of 14 days of inactivity once every 60 days.

1.3.7 After the expiration of an inactivity period, the Leader has 24 hours to log into the server or will be dismissed with 3/3 Leader Warns.

Info note

There can be exceptions to the rules above with the approval of an Admin 6.

Account Security

1.4.1 In case another person gains access to the Leader account, you will be removed from the position with 3/3 Leader Warns + Faction Punish (depending on seniority).

1.4.2 If abuses occur on the account, whether they were caused by another person or the account owner, a 30-day ban + Faction Punish 300 will be issued.

Leader Behaviour

1.5.1 A Leader is obliged to have decent behavior and language wherever they can come into contact with other players or colleagues (in-game, forums, website, or outside the game).

1.5.2 Insults, mockery, obscene gestures towards other players, or arrogant behavior, mocking towards admins will be sanctioned with Leader Warn.

1.5.3 Vulgar language, even if censored, will be sanctioned with 3/3 Leader Warns.

Info note

In case of complaints about behavior outside the game, the staff will decide based on the situation and who initiated it whether the Leader should be sanctioned or not.

For situations where the Leader was provoked or it's simply a context unrelated to the game, we will not take any action as long as the Leader does not excessively escalate.

However, our advice is to maintain decent behavior everywhere. If someone bothers you, it's better to block/ignore them and focus on your own affairs rather than complicating matters with complaints that could result in unwanted sanctions.

Resigning from the Function

1.6.1 Resigning from the position is done by creating a resignation in the dedicated channel on the staff's Discord with a minimum of 3 days before permanently resigning from any activity related to the Leader position.

1.6.2 In the resignation request, you can propose faction members whom you consider worthy of being considered as candidates for the Leader position.


The function will only be removed after 3 days from the resignation, during which time you must continue to fulfill your duties in the faction.

Neglecting Leader duties for the minimum of 3 days can be sanctioned with Faction Punish 300 regardless of your tenure as Leader.

Even if you have submitted your resignation, until you are removed from the position, you are obligated to continue to adhere to the rules, and you will be sanctioned if you violate them.

2. Faction Subleaders

Choosing Subleaders

2.1.1 A faction can have a maximum of 2 subleaders at the same time (sanction: Leader Warn).

2.1.2 You can choose a maximum of 3 subleaders during a month (sanction: Leader Warn).

Info note

The month period is calculated from the date you promoted your first subleader.

For example, if you promoted a subleader on October 1st, another one on October 4th, and another one on October 8th, the next date you can appoint another subleader is November 1st, the second one on November 4th, and the third one on November 8th.

2.1.3 Rules for choosing subleaders for peaceful factions, departments, mixt:

  • you have a maximum of one week from when you received the position to promote a single subleader from outside the faction (they must have a previous rank 3 in any faction in the past 2 years) or from among any of the faction members.
  • subsequent subleaders will only be promoted from within the faction among members of at least rank 3.

2.1.4 Rules for choosing subleaders for gangs:

  • to appoint a member as a subleader, they must have held at least a rank 3 in any faction or at least 35 days in a gang, in the last 2 years.
  • a newly promoted Leader has one week to choose their subleaders without being obligated to adhere to the previous rule.

2.1.5 Failure to comply with the rules for selecting a subleader will be sanctioned with Leader Warn + demotion of the promoted player's rank.

2.1.6 The subleader does not need to undergo an entry test for the faction if they are brought in from outside, nor should they be listed in the Test Record topic since they are not undergoing any test.

2.1.7 If the subleader has been demoted, they will be eligible to regain the subleader rank after a minimum of one month from the demotion (sanction: Leader Warn + demotion of the promoted player's rank).

Replacing Subleaders

2.2.1 A Leader can remove the subleader rank when they consider that they no longer need their services and will demote them, granting them a rank based on their seniority in the faction and the rules regarding the granting of ranks to a member.

2.2.2 For the next promotion of the former subleader to rank 2-5, the counting will start from the last promotion before receiving the subleader rank (thus, the seniority for the previously held rank is not reset).

Examples of demoting subleaders

  • in our example, the subleader has a seniority in the faction of 55 days in a department and needs to be demoted.
  • the Leader will need to check the promotion regulations of the faction type they belong to, specifically chapter Member Promotion and Faction Slots.
  • then they will need to add up the minimum waiting days for each rank as follows:
    • for rank 2: 14 days.
    • for rank 3: 21 days + the 14 days from rank 2, totaling 35 days.
    • for rank 4: 30 days + the 35 days from rank 3, totaling 65 days.
  • so our subleader has the required seniority for rank 3 if they have not received any Faction Warn.
  • each Faction Warn adds an additional 14 days of waiting.

3. Faction Subforum

3.1 Changing the topics within the faction you lead can only be done with approval from an Admin 4+ (sanction: Leader Warn).

3.2 Topics are not deleted, they are hidden if you no longer need them.

3.3 Important faction topics such as Announcements, Records, and so on, must always be pinned.

3.4 Ensure that all topics within the faction are kept up to date (sanction: Verbal Warning for the first offense, Leader Warn if it continues).

3.5 When making a change or announcing something, you must notify this at least 48 hours in advance before it takes effect (sanction: Verbal Warning for the first offense, Leader Warn if it continues).

3.6 Do not allow members to spam in faction topics, especially in the Discussions among Members topic. Eventually, close the topic if there is too much spam and report the respective posts.

3.7 Leaders must post the sanctions given along with evidence within 48 hours at most (sanction: Verbal Warning for the first offense, Leader Warn for subsequent offenses).

4. Recruiting Members

Opening Applications

4.1.1 Applications can be opened when there is at least one free slot in the faction or a slot is about to become available.

4.1.2 Leaders are obligated to open applications and recruit at least 2 players when the faction has 5 or more free slots.

4.1.3 If the Leader does not have an inactivity request and does not recruit for 5 days when the faction has 5 or more free slots, they will be sanctioned.

Violation of the above rules will be sanctioned with Verbal Warning for the first offense, Leader Warn for subsequent offenses.

Info note

The Leader does not count towards the total number of faction members. Therefore, a faction will always have the maximum number of members + the Leader.

Closing Applications

Applications can be closed when at least one of the following conditions is met:

4.2.1 When at least 2 players have applied for each available slot.

4.2.2 After at least 2 hours passed since their opening (this rule does not apply when the Leader sets the closure of applications to a predetermined number of applications).

4.2.3 When they were opened strictly to recruit a subleader.

Incorrect closure of applications will be sanctioned with Verbal Warning for the first offense, Leader Warn for subsequent offenses.

Answering Applications

Minimum Acceptance Requirements

  • to apply and have a decent application.
  • not to have a ban in the respective faction.
  • to be sufficiently active.
  • not to be on the blacklist of any faction.
  • you can accept players without activity in the current/previous month if there are not enough candidates to be accepted at that recruitment session; however, priority for acceptance will always remain for the most active among them.


If a player on the blacklist manages to enter the faction, they will either have to pay off their blacklist or be dismissed.

Players who do not meet the minimum requirements or are accepted incorrectly will be dismissed without Faction Punish, and the Leader will be sanctioned with Verbal Warning for the first offense, Leader Warn for subsequent offenses.

Competitive Testing

4.3.1 If MORE players apply than there are available slots, and those players deserve acceptance despite the fewer slots, competitive tests will be held (meaning players with the highest scores in tests will remain in the faction).

4.3.2 If FEWER players apply than there are available slots, competitive tests are not necessary.

4.3.3 Players accepted who are to be directly promoted as subleaders will not undergo competitive tests.


Case 1: a faction has 6 free slots, applications are open for one hour, and 20 applications are received. After analyzing the applications, it is found that 10 players can be accepted. Since there are only 6 free slots, all 10 players will undergo the entrance test, and the top 6 with the best results will join the faction.

Case 2: a faction has 6 free slots, applications are open for one hour, and 20 applications are received. After analyzing the applications, it is found that 6 players can be accepted. Since there are 6 free slots and 6 players accepted, all players will remain in the faction if they pass the tests.

Violation of the above rules will be sanctioned with Verbal Warning for the first offense, Leader Warn for subsequent offenses.

The Answer Itself

  • the order in which applications are responded to is not important.
  • all applications must receive a response within 5 days from the moment they were made (sanction: Leader Warn).
  • all rejected players must receive a well-founded and concrete reason for rejection (sanction: Verbal Warning for the first offense, Leader Warn for subsequent offenses).
  • it is not allowed to reject a player for a reason and accept another player who does not meet the same reason in the same recruitment session (sanction: Leader Warn).

Info note

Example: If you reject a player for a weak application and accept another in the same recruitment session with an equally weak application, you will be sanctioned.


Do not cite vague reasons for rejection (such as "I don't trust you," "You're not active," etc.), but provide concrete information (such as "You recently received 10 FWs for behavior," "You have been dismissed multiple times for language," "You have too many sanctions from admins," "You have spent very little time in all previous factions," etc.).

Applications must be checked for plagiarism before acceptance. Here is a guide that explains how to check applications correctly. If a Leader does not carefully check applications, they risk receiving a Verbal Warning or Leader Warn depending on the severity of the issue and the number of unchecked applications accordingly.

Testing Candidates

4.4.1 Only members with a minimum rank of 4 and Tester status can conduct tests with candidates.
4.4.2 The Leader has the right to decide who is granted Tester status among members with a minimum rank of 4.
4.4.3 All players who have taken the faction entry test must be obligatorily recorded in the specific test logs topic on the forum by the person who conducted the test (sanction: Faction Warn for the tester or Leader Warn if the leader conducted the test).

Rules for Testing Candidates

4.5 Those accepted for tests will undergo a knowledge test of the general rules and internal regulations.

  • testers are required to keep records with photo or video evidence throughout the theoretical tests for 7 days.
    • this evidence must contain proof of all individuals tested, the questions asked to them, and their responses.
    • the evidence will not be published anywhere unless requested by a Leader or admin.
    • in case these proofs are requested and do not exist, the member responsible for the test will be demoted, and the tested member must retake the tests.
  • testers must present the test rules before conducting it with the player and ensure they understand it and the situations in which the test can be failed.
  • there should be no discrimination or differentiation of any kind between players with the same level of experience or foreign players.
  • each accepted player must be given sufficient time to take the tests and have someone to take them with, having a maximum of 72 hours from the acceptance of the application. It is preferable to specify a contact person and a time slot for them to appear (sanction: Leader Warn or Faction Warn if they are a tester).


In case the test is conducted incorrectly, the tester receives a faction warn and the candidate must retake the tests with another tester.

In situations where the candidate is active on the server but fails to find any tester to conduct the tests because they are inactive, the testing duration will be extended, and the Leader will be held accountable.

Theoretical Test

4.6.1 The test consists of 15 questions of medium complexity from the general and internal regulations of the faction.

4.6.2 Candidates are allowed a maximum of 3/3 wrong points, as follows:

  • they will receive 1/3 points for a wrong answer or lack of response within the required time.
  • they will receive 0.5/3 points for partially correct answers.
  • at 3/3, the candidate will fail the theoretical test.

4.6.3 Candidates attempting to cheat on the tests will be sanctioned (sanction: test failed + 3-month blacklist + 2x warnings on the blacklist). Reason for blacklist: "Test Fraud - expiration date".

4.6.4 Testers who attempt to cheat on the tests or do not conduct them but claim to have conducted them will be sanctioned (sanction: dismissal).

Practical Test

4.7.1 A practical test will be conducted if deemed necessary, with no need for evidence from the tester. If a player wishes to report the practical test, they must provide their own evidence.

4.7.2 The decision to conduct practical tests can only be made by the Leader and must be justified to a faction manager. Furthermore, it must be applied equally to all candidates in the respective recruitment session. For example, if the Leader decides not to conduct a practical test with a candidate from a session, then all candidates accepted in that session must also receive the same treatment.

Reapplying in the Same Faction

4.8 A member dismissed from the faction, voluntarily or involuntarily, is not allowed to be invited with the same account to the same faction from which they were dismissed for a minimum of 2 weeks (sanction: Verbal Warning first offense, Leader Warn for subsequent offenses).

Info note

The player accepted incorrectly will be dismissed from the faction without Faction Punish.

5. Punishments and Dismissal

Member Logs

5.1 The reasons for all faction logs created on the website must be specific.


  • sanction: specify the concrete reason for the sanction (language, DM, arbitrary wanted, activity report, etc.).
  • sanction removal: incorrect sanctioning or expired sanction.
  • promotion: congratulations, minimum period fulfilled.
  • rank down: specify the concrete reason for the sanction (subleader change, behavior, language, arbitrary blacklist).
  • dismissal: resignation, vulgar language, argument with colleagues, insubordination to higher rank, inactivity, report fraud, reporting colleague on website, blacklist.

Violation of the above rule will be sanctioned (sanction: Verbal Warning first offense, Leader Warn for subsequent offenses).


The reason "PM complaint" is not considered a valid reason.

Sanctioning Members

5.2.1 All sanctions that a Leader can apply are found in the general regulations as well as the internal regulations of the faction.

5.2.2 A Leader has the obligation to sanction their members correctly when they violate the server's or the faction's rules.

  • favoring or discriminating against certain members within the faction will be sanctioned.
  • deleting sanctions of a member who has an active complaint or who needs to receive a new sanction is prohibited.
  • when deleting a sanction, a promotion, dismissal, etc., the time at which the sanction was received and the invitation will also be taken into account.
  • any member who does not leave the faction by resignation but leaves it being sanctioned by the Leader will leave with Faction Punish 10 or 60 depending on the situation.
  • members who do not make sufficient contributions to a faction and all they do is occupy space must be dismissed, otherwise the Leaders will be sanctioned.
  • members who receive a ban of 3 days or more from admins will be automatically kicked if they buy unban or if they remain banned.

5.2.3 DM will be sanctioned only when there is clear evidence (preferably video / multiple screenshots) to prove that the player in question DMed. The informative damage message is not sufficient for dming sanctions (nor the one specifying who killed you and from what distance they did it).

Info note

Before sanctioning, it's best to consult with an admin of level 4+ if you're unsure.

5.2.4 Sanctions offered to members must be posted on the forum within 48 hours of the member being sanctioned.

  • if the Leader has an inactive request, they must post the sanctions on the forum within 24 hours after their inactive request expires.

5.2.5 Players with multiple accounts (those who own multiple accounts) are not allowed to have more than one account in the same faction.

5.2.6 Three different days (IN THE LAST 7 DAYS) of logs (SA:MP Login) are enough to determine that 2 members from the same faction frequently share their account. In this situation, we will consider them as players with multiple accounts in the same faction.

  • ask your members who have such accounts which account they want to keep in the faction; if we find out you have such accounts, then both accounts of the respective player will be demoted, and you will be sanctioned.


Members promoted before being sanctioned will revert to their previous rank.

Violation of all the above rules will be penalized (sanction: Verbal Warning for the first offense, Leader Warn for subsequent offenses).

Resignation Requests

5.3.1 All resignation requests must receive a response within a maximum of 48 hours from the time they are submitted, except when the Leader has an inactivity request. In such cases, the Leader will have 24 hours after the end of the inactivity period to respond.

5.3.2 The language and content of the resignation request must be appropriate. If the member insults, mocks, or uses inappropriate language in the resignation request, they will be dismissed with Faction Punish 60/60.

5.3.3 Members with a resignation request are exempt from mandatory faction activities if the request was made before these activities (meetings, trainings, events, wars, etc.).

5.3.4 It is forbidden to accept resignation requests in the last 2 days of the month for members who are supposed to be sanctioned for their monthly activity. They must first receive their sanction, after which they will be allowed to leave the faction.

Violation of any of the above rules will result in penalties (penalty: Verbal Warning for the first offense, Leader Warn for subsequent offenses).

6. Complaints and Activity Report

Website Complaints

6.1.1 Leaders are obligated to respond to all complaints addressed to their members within 48 hours of their opening.

6.1.2 If the Leader has an inactivity request, they will have 24 hours from the expiration of the request to respond to complaints.

6.1.3 In the event that the Leader has doubts about the complaint and seeks help from the admins without receiving a response from them within those 48 hours, then that respective duration no longer applies.

6.1.4 The complaint from a member with an inactivity request will remain open until 24 hours after the expiration of the request.

  • during this time, the Leader is not allowed to promote the member or accept their resignation request.

6.1.5 The evidence in complaints must be valid, meaning: they must belong to the person making the complaint, not be older than 3 days, and include the name of the complainant, the server, as well as the date and time.

  • complaints without valid evidence will be ignored.
  • complaints without evidence will be ignored.
  • complaints can be resubmitted with valid evidence.

Violation of all the above rules will be penalized (sanction: Verbal Warning for the first offense, Leader Warn for subsequent offenses).

Activity Report

6.2.1 The Leader is the one who sets the minimum scores for activity reports and the criteria for awarding points.

6.2.2 The report points are automatically corrected by the server, so the Leader does not need to intervene in correcting them, assigning sanctions for reports, and so on.

6.2.3 In the case of gangs, the Leader is responsible for keeping track of attendance at wars and sanctioning members (sanction: Verbal Warning for the first offense, Leader Warn for subsequent offenses).

6.2.4 The Leader reserves the right to dismiss members from the faction who do not contribute enough to the faction (are not active enough, always submit minimum reports, engage in inactivities, etc.).

7. Member Promotion and Faction Slots

7.1 The durations below are the minimum durations to be awaited. The Leader decides when a member deserves to be promoted.

7.2 Admins will only make promotions when requested by the faction Leader.

7.3 The number of promotion days represents the number of days a member must wait from the last promotion to gain the new rank.

7.4 Members who accumulate the seniority of ranks 2 and 3 must receive timely rank-ups if their Leader does not have evidence that their behavior has not been quite appropriate or if they have not been active enough (sanction: Leader Warn for the first offense, Dismissal for subsequent offenses).

Peaceful Factions
Rank Auto Rank Manual Rank Auto FW-Clear Manual FW-Clear Manual AV-Clear
1 - - 21 14 7
2 21 14 21 14 7
3 21 14 21 14 7
4 - 21 21 14 7
5 - 30 21 14 7
6 - - 21 14 7
Rank Auto Rank Manual Rank Auto FW-Clear Manual FW-Clear Manual AV-Clear
1 - - 30 21 7
2 21 14 30 21 7
3 28 21 30 21 7
4 - 30 30 21 7
5 - 44 30 21 7
6 - - 30 21 7
Rank Auto Rank Manual Rank Auto FW-Clear Manual FW-Clear Manual AV-Clear
1 - - 30 21 7
2 21 14 30 21 7
3 28 21 30 21 7
4 - 30 30 21 7
5 - 44 30 21 7
6 - - 30 21 7
Hitmen Agency
Rank Auto Rank Manual Rank Auto FW-Clear Manual FW-Clear Manual AV-Clear
1 - - 30 21 7
2 21 14 30 21 7
3 28 21 30 21 7
4 - 30 30 21 7
5 - 44 30 21 7
6 - - 30 21 7
Sons of Anarchy
Rank Auto Rank Manual Rank Auto FW-Clear Manual FW-Clear Manual AV-Clear
1 - - 30 21 7
2 21 14 30 21 7
3 28 21 30 21 7
4 - 30 30 21 7
5 - 44 30 21 7
6 - - 30 21 7


Each FW received adds an additional 14 days of waiting time before promotion.
At 2 Verbal Warnings (AVs), the player will be sanctioned with 1 Faction Warn for accumulating 2 AVs.
AVs do not add extra waiting days for promotion. Their evidence must be manually kept by the Leader.
The total number of slots for each faction can be viewed on the RPG website.

8. Extra Rules

General Rules

8.1.1 Each Leader is obligated to respect the Server Rules, Leader Regulations, their Faction's regulations, and to apply the appropriate sanctions for their violation.

8.1.2 A Leader is not allowed to make a complaint against another Leader, including from accounts sharing the same IP address (sanction: Leader Warn first offense, Dismissal if repeated). - if there is a reason for a complaint, faction managers (admins 4+) will be contacted on the staff Discord (private message) with the necessary evidence and reasons.

8.1.3 Wiping members without an extremely serious reason and as a last resort is not permitted (sanction: Dismissal FP 300). - wipes are only granted with the approval of a faction manager (admin 4+).

8.1.4 Leaders are permitted to play on other accounts on the same server with approval from faction managers (admins 4+).

8.1.5 A Leader Warn in the Leader position can be removed after at least one month from receiving it if no further punishments have been issued in the meantime.

  • these punishments will only be removed at the Leader's request and only with the agreement of a faction manager (admin 4+) if they believe the Leader deserves to have their punishment removed.

8.1.6 It is strictly forbidden for a Leader to request various compensations for accepting a player into the faction, passing their test, sparing them from sanctions, promoting them, etc. (sanction: Leader Warn first offense, Dismissal if repeated).

8.1.7 It is strictly forbidden to fraud faction applications (using secondary accounts to apply in order to force the closure of applications or similar situations). If you encounter such cases, contact faction managers to resolve the situation. If you do not do this or it is found that you are involved in the fraud, you will be sanctioned with Dismissal.

Member Activity

8.2.1 At the beginning of each month, you must verify the activity of members for the previous month and sanction them. This can be done on the website in the Leader Panel, under the Member Activity tab.

Members will be sanctioned as follows:

  • under 15 real hours - first offense is a Faction Warn.
  • under 15 real hours - second offense is a Rank Down.
  • under 15 real hours - third offense is a Dismissal.
  • under 8 real hours - Dismissal from the first offense.


Sanctions for activity will only be given to members who have at least 30 days in the faction.

8.2.2 Leaders who do not sanction their members by the end of the second day of the month and begin their sanctions from the following day (for example: 03.03.2021 or later) will be sanctioned with a Verbal Warning at the first offense, followed by a Leader Warn at the second offense.

8.2.3 Leaders will be required to post monthly evidence of hours on the forum in the specific monthly hours topic created for each faction separately. In that topic, a table with the real hours of your members will be posted.

8.2.4 No later than the end of the second day of the month, evidence must be posted (not later). Anyone who is late with the evidence will be sanctioned exactly as mentioned above.

8.2.5 To avoid situations where a member had the first offense in 2020 and the second offense in 2022, resulting in a rank down, offenses are always reset 6 months from the last sanction given for lacking hours played.


If a member received their first sanction for played hours on January 1, 2023, which was an FW as the first offense, and until August they have no further offenses, but then they need to receive another sanction for not having 15 real hours, they will receive another FW as the first offense because the offenses reset. This reset occurs 6 months from January 1, considering July 1, 2023.

Organized Activities

8.3.1 Small errors that may occur when a member of a faction makes an absence request (such as the absence number, rank held, etc.) will not be sanctioned with rejection of the absence request request from the first instance.

8.3.2 For the first offense, the member will be warned (meaning you inform them of the mistake without a sanction), for the second offense, they will be sanctioned with a Verbal Warning, and from the third offense, they will be sanctioned with a Faction Warning (sanction: Verbal Warning first offense, Leader Warn for subsequent offenses).

8.3.3 The sanctions for being late are as follows for all factions:

  • being late of up to 10 minutes: nothing.
  • being late between 10 and 20 minutes: Verbal Warning.
  • being late between 20 and 30 minutes: Verbal Warning + fine of $50,000.
  • being late of over 30 minutes: Faction Warning.


An activity with mandatory attendance to which these sanctions apply must last between 40 and 60 minutes.

Activities with mandatory attendance must be announced at least one week in advance (forum post, FMOTD), and the only way for members to be excused is through an open leave request on the website in advance.

8.3.4 If a Leader wants to organize an activity with mandatory attendance, they must have a well-founded reason (ex: a meeting after a new Leader has been promoted, after major rule changes, etc.) and request approval from a faction manager (admin 4+).

Gang Rules

8.4.1 If an interdiction request is closed within 3 days without a majority vote from you, you will be sanctioned verbally, followed by a Verbal Warning, Leader Warn, and Dismissal.

8.4.2 Leaders who knowingly accept individuals using cheats will be sanctioned with Leader Warn or Dismissal, depending on the case.

8.4.3 Leaders and Subleaders are required to be present for at least 3 days of wars per week, whether attacking or defending. Both you and the Subleaders can take leave for up to 2 days of wars, but you are still required to meet the minimum of 3 days.

Subleaders can use the 2 weekly leaves to take leave, and Leaders must post in the specific channel on the Staff Discord (penalty: Verbal Warning for the first offense, Leader Warn for the second offense, and Dismissal if it continues).

8.4.4 Members who are part of a gang and meanwhile receive an interdiction will always be dismissed with FP 60/60. Players who receive an interdiction will be able to be accepted into another gang after a minimum of one month from receiving the ban. Leaders who accept players with interdictions will be sanctioned with Leader Warn, even for the first offense.

8.4.5 In case there are complaints about fast c-bug performed by members during wars (both mandatory and optional), where the sanction is Faction Warn, the sanction will be applied only once if the evidence being complained about (from different complaints) is made within a 10-minute interval at that time. If the difference between evidence is more than 10 minutes, they will be sanctioned for each piece of evidence.

8.4.6 In case the subleader receives a ban for cheats (Aimbot/Norecoil), you will be sanctioned with a Verbal Warning for the first offense, and a Leader Warn for subsequent offenses.

8.4.7 With every vote you bring to the player whose interdiction request is made, you are obliged to bring an argument for that vote

8.4.8Gang Leaders who have at least 10 members banned for cheats of aim, norecoil or adjacent in one month risk severe sanctions if this number continues to increase (sanction: Leader Warn or Dismissal).

8.4.9 Gang Leaders are obligated to have a minimum of 3 attacks each week during war days (sanction: Verbal Warning first offense, Leader Warn second offense).


8.5.1 All absence requests are done through the website.

8.5.2 You can accept a maximum of 5 absence requests in one war day. (sanction: Verbal Warning for the first offense, Leader Warn for subsequent offenses)

  • if there are 5 or fewer absence requests, they will be automatically accepted.
  • if there are more than 5 absence requests, the first 5 will have priority. If a member who has an absence request has been present at all wars on that day, their request will be rejected.

Info note

A member is considered present at a war if they have at least 30 seconds on the turf or a minimum of 3 kills/deaths in total.

War Seconds

8.6.1 Gang Leaders can set the time limit for attendance at gang wars according to the following formula:

  • for wars in the gang's city, the limit can be set between 500 - 800 seconds.
  • for wars in other cities, the limit can be set between 300 - 600 seconds.

8.6.2 The Leader can decide not to consider seconds for a particular war day, requiring 30 seconds per turf for attendance.


In case of abuses related to this rule, a Leader Warn will be issued directly. Faction managers (admins 4+) can request evidence from the Leader to demonstrate that they have announced the number of seconds.

Info note

  • the rule aims to impose a reasonable interval of seconds, thus a Leader cannot impose an exaggerated number of seconds.
  • the most important part of this rule is that if the Leader chooses NOT to add seconds for a war day, ONLY 30 seconds per turf are required to be considered present.
  • the rule allows for flexible adjustment of seconds depending on the war/day of war.
  • the rule will require you to provide evidence when announcing the number of seconds for a war or a war day (preferably on /fmotd).