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Paramedics Rules

Besides these rules, all members are obligated to respect both the Server Rules as well as Peaceful Faction and Mixt Rules.

1. Faction Commands

  • [/r] - to communicate with faction members (Radio Chat).
  • [/heal ] - to heal players who request your help. You must be in an ambulance, Ranger, or Raindance (faction helicopter).
  • [/rehab ] - to help a player overcome drug addiction. This command is used in both ambulances and Raindance or Ranger helicopters.
  • [/accept ] - to accept a call. A red checkpoint will appear on your map, indicating the patient's location.
  • [/cancel ] - to cancel a call. The set checkpoint will disappear. Note: Use this command with a valid reason and always provide evidence (screenshots or video).
  • [/duty] - to start taking orders (you cannot take orders if you are off-duty).
  • [/clothes] - to change your skin inside the clothes store, HQ or house.
  • [/fvs] - to spawn a faction vehicle.
  • [/timestamp] - displays the time in chat. This command should always be active.
  • [/fdeposit] - adds a sum of money to the faction's safe.
  • [/fputdrugs] - deposits drugs into the faction's safe.
  • [/fputmaterials] - deposits materials into the faction's safe.
  • [/blacklist [/bl]] - displays the list of players on the faction's blacklist.
  • [/servicecalls] - displays a list of all calls to medics that can be accepted.
  • [/corpses] - displays a list of all corpses that can be picked up.
  • [/corpse < corpse id >] - with this command, you begin to move towards a corpse to pick it up. A checkpoint will appear on the map at its location.
  • [/onduty] - shows members on duty.
  • [/members] - shows the list of all faction members.
  • [/ft] - list of online candidates.
  • [/togcomms] - (un)lock the communication channels of the candidate.

2. Faction Skins

paramedics skins

3. Faction Vehicles

paramedics vehicles
  • 15 Ambulances - Rank 0.
  • 16 Romero - Rank 1.
  • 2 Raindance - Rank 3.
  • 5 Ranger - Rank 4.

3.1 It is forbidden to use ambulances and Romero vehicles for personal purposes (sanction: Faction Warn).

3.2 Rank 3+ members can use Raindance and Ranger vehicles for personal purposes provided they announce it in the faction chat. Failure to announce will result in them being treated as on-duty members, which may attract sanctions depending on the situation.

3.3 All members are required to use [/duty] when driving faction vehicles (sanction: Verbal Warning).

3.4 When taking a vehicle from the faction, announce it in the chat [/r Ambulance/Raindance/Ranger/Romero to me] (sanction: Verbal Warning).

3.5 You are required to destroy the service vehicle after you have finished using it (sanction: Verbal Warning).

3.6 When destroying the faction vehicle, announce it in chat [/r Ambulance/Raindace/Ranger/Romero rr] (sanction: Verbal Warning).

3.7 It is forbidden to equip faction vehicles with NOS or hydraulic systems (sanction: fine).

3.8 The siren is only to be used if you have an accepted command [/accept medic] (sanction: Faction Warn).

3.9 You are allowed to go AFK off-duty in the faction vehicle, but not for more than 120 seconds (2 minutes) (sanction: Faction Warn).

3.10 You are allowed to go AFK on-duty in the faction vehicle, but not for more than 60 seconds (1 minute) (sanction: Faction Warn).

3.11 If you are not AFK and not on duty in the faction vehicle, you have 30 seconds to go on duty to avoid receiving a sanction (sanction: Verbal Warning).

3.12 It is forbidden to paint faction vehicles any color other than WHITE or RED (sanction: fine).

4. General Rules

4.1 Faction members can only be sanctioned by members of ranks 5, 6, and the leader (sanction: Verbal Warning).

4.2 It is permitted to possess drugs only when you have a specific active task (sanction: fine of $50,000).

4.3 Paramedic members can use the command [/service medic] only if they are OFF-Duty when necessary (sanction: Verbal Warning).

4.4 You are not allowed to go AFK at the entrance of the HQ (inside or outside) (sanction: fine according to the Fines section).

4.5 Parking personal vehicles in the HQ courtyard is not permitted (sanction: fine according to the Fines section).

4.6 You are allowed to have colleagues from the faction or one person with you in the vehicle (or on it), but there must be at least one free space for patients (except Romero) (sanction: Verbal Warning).

4.7 Paramedics on duty are obligated to accept the orders received if they are in an Ambulance/Raindance/Ranger and to go after all corpses if they are in a Romero-type vehicle. If you have a valid reason for not being able to accept the order or go after a corpse, you must provide clear explanations and evidence (sanction: Faction Warn).

4.8 If an order is more than 2,500 meters away from you (average distance between cities or from CNN LS to Basin Bunker), you are obligated to ask if another colleague on duty is closer to it, and that colleague must accept it if they are closer (within 2500 meters) (sanction: Verbal Warning for the first offense, Faction Warn for subsequent ones).

4.9 Members are not allowed to spam or abuse the [/fvs] and [/fvr] commands (sanction: Faction Warn or Rank Down for multiple offenses or abuses).


Verbal Warnings are issued if members below rank 5 post in the sanctions topic.
All sanctions will be posted in the specific topic within a maximum of 5 hours from their issuance.
Higher-ranked members are not allowed to compel lower-ranked members to do things unrelated to the faction.

5. Faction Chat

5.1 You are not allowed to disclose topics discussed within the faction (sanction: Faction Warn).

5.2 Business conducted on the faction chat or announcements related to buying or selling goods on the faction chat are prohibited (sanction: Verbal Warning).

5.3 You are obliged to inform members when using the [/fvr] command (minimum 5 seconds) (sanction: Verbal Warning + Fine).

5.4 You are not allowed to spam or write with Caps Lock ON (you are allowed with caps for only 2 characters, example: "YES") (sanction: Fine).

5.5 The [/ftalkpower] command will only be used with a well-founded reason (sanction: Faction Warn).

5.6 You are not allowed to toggle chat power on the faction chat without the consent of a rank 6 or the leader (sanction: Faction Warn for the first offense, Rank Down for subsequent offenses).

6. Activity Report

6.1 Providing services with an incorrect price will result in sanctions (sanction: Verbal Warning for the first offense, Faction Warn for subsequent offenses).

6.2 Members of rank 1-3 have priority in taking orders (sanction: Verbal Warning).

6.3 Members of rank 4+ can designate someone who is on [/duty] to take an active order. Refusal is considered insubordination (sanction: Faction Warn).

6.4 Members of rank 4+ are not exempt from taking orders (sanction: Faction Warn).

6.5 If a patient fails to specify the desired service after being asked 3 times, the Paramedic has the right to use the [/eject] command on that player. Evidence is required (sanction: fine $25,000).

6.6 It is prohibited to spam informative messages about Paramedics services (maximum of 3 times) (sanction: Verbal Warning + Fine).

6.7 You are not allowed to park the ambulance near the "i" of businesses, blocking or obstructing traffic / entry / use of the services of that business, example provided at CNN LS, click (sanction: Verbal Warning).

6.8 Canceling an order is permitted if the individual is in an inaccessible area (evidence required) (sanction: Verbal Warning).

6.9 If a member provides the wrong or unsolicited service to a player, it will result in sanctions (sanction: Verbal Warning for the first offense, Faction Warn for subsequent offenses).

6.10 Failure to provide or unjustified refusal to provide a requested service to a client will result in sanctions (sanction: Faction Warn).

Info note

Every Sunday, around 23:45 - 00:15, the system will totalize up the reports, meaning that all valid points will be added together.
Paramedic of the week receives half of their report + $75,000.

Faction Fees

For heal:

  • 1$ - Paramedic colleagues
  • 50$ - other players

For /rehab:

  • 1,000$ - Paramedic colleagues
  • 3,000$ - other players


Allies will receive services at a normal price, but with the return of the money spent!

Corpses System

  • when a player is killed by another player, they leave behind a corpse that can be picked up with a Romero faction vehicle. This corpse must be transported to a special location to receive money and activity report.

  • to pick up a corpse, you must use the command [/corpse] followed by the corresponding corpse ID. Corpse IDs can range from 0 to 19.

  • corpse IDs can be checked using the command [/corpses], which will show all corpses spawned on the map.

  • a player's corpse remains spawned on the map for 15 minutes, and if not picked up, it will automatically disappear.

  • corpses must be transported to the following locations: LS Cemetery, LV Church, or SF Hospital.

  • losing the vehicle in which the corpse is being transported will also result in the loss of the corpse.

  • if the Paramedic dies during transportation, it will result in the loss of the corpse.

7. Meetings and Activities

7.1 You are not allowed to attend meetings with a wanted level or engage in activities that may disrupt the smooth running of the meeting (sanction: fine for the first offense, Faction Warn for subsequent offenses).

7.2 You are not allowed to go AFK during a meeting or activity (sanction: fine according to the Fines section).

7.3 Participants are obligated to listen to the organizer/supervisor of the activity (sanction: fine for the first offense, Verbal Warning for subsequent offenses).

7.4 If the organizer of an optional/mandatory activity fails to attend the announced activity, they will receive a fine double the value of the announced activity prize they missed! (Example: If the announced activity has a prize of $50,000, the organizer who didn't show up at the activity, without prior notice or finding a replacement, will pay a fine of $100,000)

Info note

Organizers who announce at least 3 hours before the actual activity that the activity will not take place or who find a replacement for organizing the activity will be exempt from the mentioned fine!

7.5 Delays to mandatory meetings will be sanctioned as follows:

  • being late up to 10 minutes - will not be sanctioned.
  • being late between 10-20 minutes - will be sanctioned with a Verbal Warning.
  • being late between 20-30 minutes - will be sanctioned with a Verbal Warning + Fine of $50,000.
  • being late more than 30 minutes - will be sanctioned with a Faction Warn.

Info note

Meetings and activities will be posted in the Paramedics - Sedinte si Activitati / Meetings and activities topic.
Mandatory meetings and activities will be announced at least one week before their occurrence.
Activities will only take place on weekends (Saturday or Sunday) between 18:00 - 21:00.

8. Fines

The reasons for which a fine will be issued are as follows:

  • AFK at HQ or Training Room (interior/exterior) in "i" if blocking player access - $25,000
  • speaking without permission during Meeting / Training - $25,000
  • writing in all caps on [/r] - $30,000
  • being late at announced meeting / Training / Activity - $30,000
  • spamming on [/r] - $35,000
  • being AFK during an activity - $35,000
  • parking vehicles in HQ courtyard in a way that obstructs faction vehicle traffic - $50,000 for the first offense, Verbal Warning + Fine $50,000 for subsequent offenses
  • unannounced FVR - $50,000 + Verbal Warning or Faction Warn depending on severity
  • taking calls during a practical test - $50,000
  • unannounced FVR when another colleague rank 5+ announced - $50,000
  • painting a faction vehicle (except WHITE or RED) - $50,000
  • equipping a faction vehicle with NOS or Hydra - $50,000
  • providing services without player request - $100,000 + Verbal Warning


Fines can be given by a rank 6+ member.

9. Candidates (rank 0)

9.1 Members with rank 0 (Candidates) are not allowed to use faction commands and vehicles outside of the practical test, which they undertake with a tester alongside them (sanction: Failing Tests).

9.2 Members with rank 0 are allowed to use the [/r] command during the practical test only for testing purposes (you are not allowed to communicate with colleagues) or after passing the entrance test (sanction: Failing Tests).

9.3 Taking a call during a practical test is prohibited, except when the tester announces that they no longer need calls (sanction: fine for the first offense, Verbal Warning for subsequent offenses).

9.4 A tester is required to announce the start and end of a practical test (sanction: Verbal Warning).

9.5 Any player who has been accepted to take the tests must behave decently. If they insult or behave inappropriately towards a faction member, they are automatically rejected without the right to take the entrance tests to the faction again.

10. Alliances

10.1 Members of allied factions will receive services at the normal price, but the money spent on Paramedics services will be refunded to them (sanction: Verbal Warning for the first offense, Faction Warn for subsequent offenses).

10.2 You are not allowed to file complaints on the website against members with whom we have an alliance (sanction: Faction Warn).

10.3 Members of allied factions can only file complaints via PM (private message) to the leader of their respective faction, including the Paramedics leader (sanction: Faction Warn).


The Paramedics faction is allied with the San Fierro School Instructors.
If you withdraw the complaint made on the website, you will no longer receive a sanction.
You are no longer obliged to refund allied faction members if they refuse.

Alliance Conditions


  • the first service will be offered at the normal price, after which the money will be refunded. All services after the first, within 5 minutes, will be offered at $1.

San Fierro School Instructors:

  • members below level 50 will receive licenses without taking tests and free of charge if all licenses are obtained from the same SFSI member.
  • members above level 50 will receive licenses for free if they purchase all licenses from the same SFSI member.