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Gang Rules

Besides these rules, all members are obligated to respect both the Server Rules as well as the specific Internal Rules of your faction outlined in the Internal Rules section below.

1. Behaviour and Language


Language that violates the rules below is punishable even if it is knowingly addressed from secondary accounts to faction colleagues.

1.1 Examples of language towards colleagues punishable with Faction Warn:

  • failure, suckers, handicapped, stupid, idiot, moron or other forms of mild insults.
  • single words that are sufficiently well censored and where the context is not very clear, such as: suck ****, eat ****, *** etc.
  • obscene gestures (_|_, _()_ etc.).

Info note

This language will only be punished if the offended colleague files a complaint.
Complaints against colleagues are made by contacting the leader through a private message, not on the RPG website.

1.2 Examples of language towards colleagues or other players punishable by dismissal:

  • suck my dick, fmm, cocksucker, fuck you, piss on your mother, piss on your family, piss in your mouth, your bitch mom etc.
  • different inventions to modify cursing like: di_ck, fememe, fuc y0u etc.
  • censored insults, censored vulgar language used in an exagerated manner or where the context can be well understood.


Language of this kind in the faction chat will always be punished regardless of who it is addressed to.

1.3 In addition to language towards colleagues, the following are prohibited:

  • arguing (sanction: Faction Warn for the first offense, dismissal if it continues).
  • teasing, tasteless jokes, sarcasm, ridicule, comments (sanction: Verbal Warning for the first offense, Faction Warn if it continues).


If the member does not cease even after receiving the second sanction, they will be dismissed.
For the cases presented above, the language used is sanctioned regardless of the language used.

  • any conflict between colleagues will be resolved in the presence of faction leadership.
  • failure to cease conflict upon intervention by a higher-ranking member will be sanctioned with Faction Warn.
  • teasing or insulting faction leadership may be sanctioned with Faction Warn or dismissal depending on severity.
  • players accepted for testing must behave decently, otherwise, they will be rejected without the right to undergo faction entry tests.

2. Deathmatch (DM) and Drive-By (DB)

2.1 It is forbidden to DM or DB without justified reason (sanction: Faction Warn).
2.2 If you are attacked, gather evidence first, then you can defend yourself.
2.3 For DM/DB between gangsters, you are allowed a maximum of 3 kills during a 30 minute period (excepting clan zones, following the rules below).


Members of official clans are allowed to attack members of other official clans inside or near clan areas only when they are involved in conquering/defending that area. If members of other clans have already initiated a battle for that area, the intervention of other individuals not belonging to those clans is prohibited.

Info note

DM/DB is allowed towards members of departments or players on the faction's blacklist.
DM/DB is not allowed during meetings, events, training sessions, auctions, or other important actions.

3. Faction Organization

3.1 The leader along with members of higher rank have the final say in making any decision.

3.2 Only members with Rank 4+, who have Tester status, can conduct tests with faction applicants.

3.3 Only members with Rank 3+ can organize training sessions and activities.

3.4 Members who do not listen to those of higher rank can be sanctioned (sanction: Faction Warn for the first offense, dismissal if it continues).

3.5 Abusive use of the command [/fvr] (respawning vehicles just to disrupt a colleague, spamming it, etc.) will be punished with Faction Warn or Rank Down for serious abuses/multiple offenses.

4. Activity


Members who do not make sufficient contributions to a faction and only occupy a spot will be considered inactive (sanction: dismissal).

Inactivity Requests

4.1 All requests for inactivity are made only on the website. A member is entitled to a maximum of 14 days of inactivity once every 45 days.

  • rank 1 members do not have the right to inactivity.
  • rank 2 members are entitled to a maximum of one week of inactivity.
  • rank 3+ members are entitled to a maximum of two weeks of inactivity.

Info note

Members with approved inactivity requests are allowed to connect to the server and play. They will be exempt from the activity report.
Inactivity requests cannot be made for the current reporting week, only for the following weeks.

Activity Report

4.2 In the case of gangs, the activity report consists of attendance at mandatory wars during the week (Monday-Friday).
For more details, visit the section on War Rules.

Information Note

Players with accepted requests for inactivity or absence are exempt from attending wars.

Hours Played

4.3.1 All faction members are required to have a minimum of real hours played within a month. The number of hours and sanctions for their absence can be found in Leader Rules -> Member Activity.

4.3.2 Players with a minimum seniority of one year in the faction, who have shown seriousness and involvement, are eligible, upon their request, to be exempted from the requirement to accumulate real hours played in a specific month.

4.3.3 This benefit can be used only once a year and will only exempt you from the requirement of played hours, not from war presence for that month.

5. Website Complaints

Reporting Colleagues/Your Leader

5.1.1 Reporting colleagues or the leader directly on the website, even from secondary accounts, is prohibited, except for illegal businesses, account hacking, codes, prohibited mods, bug abuse, advertising, scams (sanction: Faction Warn for the first offense, dismissal if it continues).

5.1.2 Colleagues can be reported to the leader via a private message on the forum. The leader can be reported to the admins by opening a ticket on the website.


5.2.1 All proofs from the server must include server markings with the date, time, player's name, and server name (invalid proofs).

5.2.2 A proof is valid for a maximum of 3 days (invalid proofs). You have 24 hours to provide evidence in your defense, except when you have an inactivity request. In this case, you have 24 hours after the expiration of inactivity to present the evidence.

5.2.3 For browser-based proofs, only videos are accepted where at least one page refresh is given to demonstrate that the proof is not falsified (invalid proofs).

Language and Witnesses

5.3.1 It is forbidden to severely insult or speak vulgarly in complaints (sanction: dismissal).

5.3.2 Inappropriate comments in complaints, various offenses through evidence, inciting arguments without providing valid evidence for the reported issue and without being involved in the actions that led to the reported problem will be sanctioned as follows:

  • for witnesses added by the COMPLAINANT as well as for the complainant (the one who opens the complaint): the complaint will be ignored, with no right to refile the complaint.
  • for witnesses added by the ACCUSED as well as for the accused (the faction member who is reported): they will be sanctioned with Verbal Warning for minor things or Faction Warn for more serious matters, in addition to the sanction they should receive for the complaint if they were guilty of something.

Minor things: light teasing, links to soft songs, light jokes, sarcasm, etc.
More serious matters: mockery, insults, links to insulting/vulgar songs, etc.

Info note

The above rules also apply to deleted comments, witnesses added, and evidence posted in complaints.

6. Removing Sanctions

6.1 Sanctions such as Verbal Warning and Faction Warn can be manually removed by the leader when they deem it appropriate, respecting the minimum waiting period, or automatically by the server.

6.2 The minimum durations for the removal of sanctions can be viewed in Leader Rules -> Member Promotion and Faction Slots.

7. Rank Promotion

7.1 Rank promotion can be done manually by the leader when they deem it appropriate, respecting the minimum periods, or automatically by the server.

7.2 The minimum durations for rank promotion can be viewed in Leader Rules -> Member Promotion and Faction Slots.

7.3 Requesting a rank-up is allowed, but not in an abusive manner by spamming the leader. Violation of this rule will be sanctioned with Faction Warn.

7.4 The Subleader rank is assigned by the leader when they deem it appropriate, respecting Leader Rules -> Choosing Subleaders.

Info note

If you are demoted from Subleader, you will receive a rank based on your total seniority in the faction. For the next promotion of the former subleader to rank 2-5, the counting will start from the last promotion before receiving the subleader rank.

For further details about demotion from Subleader and subsequent promotion, you can access Leaders' Regulation -> Replacing Subleaders.

8. Dismissal

Faction Punish 0/60:

  • members who have been active for at least 2 weeks and submit their resignation without having any complaints are granted an uninvite without Faction Punish.

Faction Punish 10/60:

8.1 Any member who accumulates 3/3 Faction Warns will be dismissed with Faction Punish 10.

  • the only exception being those who have less than 2 weeks in the faction.

  • 3/3 Faction Warns will be granted to all members who must be dismissed without Faction Punish 60 or Faction Punish 0.

  • 3/3 Faction Warns will be granted to members who have a minimum of 2 weeks in the faction and have received a ban of 3 days or more.

Faction Punish 60/60:

8.2 Any member who has less than 2 weeks in the faction will be dismissed with Faction Punish 60.

Info note

There may be certain exceptions where players can leave without Faction Punish, these exceptions being determined by the admins.

8.3 In special cases, Faction Punish 60 may be granted to members who have been in the faction for over 2 weeks.

  • members banned for cheats or mods with a duration of 30 days will always be dismissed with FP 60/60.

  • members with bans who somehow manage to enter a faction will always be dismissed with FP 60/60.

  • members who abuse their position (excessive and unjustified fines, completely random multiple attacks, changing the status of multiple candidates without justification, theft from the faction's safe, etc.) will always be dismissed with FP 60/60 and banned for 14 days for this.

  • members who fraud faction applications (applying from secondary accounts with the aim of forcing the closure of applications for friends, having friends apply with the same purpose, or other such situations - the sanction is given regardless of the faction you belong to, even if it does not correspond with the one where you committed the fraud, and applies to all accounts where you are a faction member).


If you have received a ban of 3 days or more, you will only be able to remain in the faction if you are unbanned through an unban request, not if you purchase an unban with gold.

9. Blacklist

9.1.1 Players of at least level 7 can be added to the blacklist, whether they are part of a faction or civilians.

9.1.2 Adding a player to the blacklist will be done by members of rank 4+ and only based on clear evidence that will be posted on the forum in the evidence topic for the blacklist (sanctions: Faction Warn for the first offense, Rank Down if it continues).

9.1.3 Removing a player from the blacklist will be done by members of rank 4+ in case a player was added mistakenly, removing players without reason being sanctioned (sanctions: Faction Warn for the first offense, Rank Down if it continues).

9.1.4 Players on the blacklist can be constantly killed [exception for departments] until they pay the blacklist fee, except in Safe Zones and during important activities such as events, markets, legal jobs, auctions, etc.

9.1.5 For DM/DB actions, a player can only be blacklisted if they have not already been sanctioned through [/emergency] or reported within the faction and punished for it, to avoid double penalization of players. (sanctions: Faction Warn for the first offense, Rank Down if it continues).

Blacklist Warnings

  • 1 warning: excessive severe insults towards a member or the faction, disruption of a member's duty, inappropriate DM/DB, kamikaze, /q on tie.
  • 2 warnings: vulgar language, excessive DM/DB, excessive disruption of a member during their duty or activities, tampering with entrance tests alongside a 3-month ban.

Info note

Blacklisting will not be granted to departments for things that can be sanctioned with a wanted status.
One warning will be issued for each offense.

Paying the Blacklist

9.2.1 Faction players on the blacklist have 72 hours, if they do not have an inactivity request, to pay the blacklist fee. Otherwise, they will be initially sanctioned with Verbal Warning, and if the blacklist fee is not paid within the next 24 hours, the member will be dismissed.

9.2.2 The blacklist fee is paid on the website or directly in-game through specific commands, without giving the money to a member of that faction.

9.2.3 Once the payment has been made, the player will be automatically removed from the blacklist.

9.2.4 It is forbidden for faction members to ask or accept money for the blacklist instead of informing the player to use the appropriate commands (sanction: dismissal).

10. War Rules

War Information

10.1.1 The schedule for mandatory wars during the autumn-winter-spring period is from Monday to Friday between 20:00 - 22:00.

10.1.2 The schedule for mandatory wars during the summer period is from Monday to Friday within a time frame determined annually by vote.

10.1.3 The schedule for optional wars is on Saturday at 20:00 and Sunday at 20:00.

10.1.4 Attacks are initiated on the RPG website in the Wars -> Turfs section by a rank 4+ member, starting from 5 minutes after the war schedule ends and lasting up to one hour after its completion (ex: 22:05 - 22:59)

10.1.5 Peace treaties are allowed, but not alliances. Violating a peace treaty will be punished with Faction Warn.

10.1.6 During wars, you are required to have the Arms Dealer job.

10.1.7 When requesting a weapon during war, you must provide your ID; failure to do so means colleagues are not obligated to provide you with weapons.

10.1.8 Failure to provide a weapon to a colleague who requests it correctly will be punished with Faction Warn.

10.1.9 During wars, you must have at least $10,000 cash; otherwise, you will be punished with Faction Warn.

10.1.10 In the absence of the leader, sub-leaders are required to keep track of wars within 48 hours if they are not inactive; otherwise, you will be punished with Faction Warn.

Info note

The number of seconds for attendance at Wars can be modified by the leader according to the Leader Rules -> War Seconds regulation.

Mandatory Wars Rules


Leaving the territory during a war after receiving or causing damage to an opponent within the last 10 seconds is prohibited. If leaving was unintentional, you must return to the territory through the same exit within 5 seconds of leaving, as announced in the chat. (sanction: Faction Warn).

Connecting to the gang account with VPN during active wars is prohibited. If a player is caught with addresses associated with VPN, they will be dismissed with FP 60/60.

10.2.1 Attempting to bribe an opponent to assist in conquering a territory is prohibited (sanction: dismissal).

10.2.2 Selling weapons to an opponent during war is prohibited (sanction: Faction Warn).

10.2.3 Abusing drugs when being shot at to avoid being killed is prohibited (sanction: Faction Warn).

10.2.4 Suicide when being chased by an opponent who could potentially decrease your health is prohibited (sanction: Faction Warn).

10.2.5 Players who receive 3 kicks due to desync are not allowed to participate in wars on that day (sanction: Faction Warn for the first offense, dismissal if it continues).

10.2.6 Performing fast c-bug both in mandatory and optional wars will be sanctioned by the leader (sanction: Faction Warn).


The player will be penalized only once for fast c-bug within a time difference of 15 minutes based on evidence. If the player has two complaints on the same day, at the same hour, and with a difference of no more than 15 minutes between the evidence, they will be penalized only once.

10.2.7 It is prohibited to use /eject or /tog - surfing on colleague(s) during wars (sanction: Verbal Warning).

10.2.8 From the 1st to the 20th of the month, it is forbidden to ask opponents to allow you to do your seconds on the turf (sanction: Faction Warn).

10.2.9 It is forbidden to stay in the water at distances where you cannot be hit by opponents to gain influence. Members who are in the water for more than 60 seconds and cannot receive damage will be sanctioned with Faction Warn.

10.2.10 Throughout the duration of wars in which you participate, you are obligated to follow the coordinator's instructions (Leader, Subleader, or highest-ranking superior) (sanction: fine of $100,000 for the first offense, fine of $100,000 or Faction Warn for subsequent offenses).

Additional Information

  • the coordinator has the right to choose, for future offenses, whether to issue a fine or a Faction Warn.
  • if the coordinator chooses to issue a Faction Warn on the second offense, the same penalty must be given to all participants on that war day.
  • offenses reset each war day, with one exception:
  • players who commit repeated offenses (minimum of 3 days) within a week of wars may be directly sanctioned with a Faction Warn.
  • the coordinator is required to have clear evidence for any sanctions issued, and these must be kept for at least 5 days.

Incorrect application of sanctions or lack of evidence will result in a Verbal Warning for the first offense, and Faction Warn for subsequent offenses.

Examples of Disobedience in Wars

  • when a player ignores the backup request and messages to get in a designated area, instead going to a different zone without the coordinator's approval or any justification.
  • when a player ignores holding a specific area assigned by the coordinator and moves to another area without approval or justification
  • when there is an explicit request not to respawn faction vehicles to maintain a barricade, and the player respawns them, ruining the tactical plan.
  • when it's requested that everyone uses separate vehicles (if possible) to form a tactical plan, but the player ignores this and shares a vehicle with a teammate.
  • in critical situations, such as a close war (7-7), when a player engages with the enemies and unjustifiably dies.


There may be situations where players are justified, such as when the enemy pushes, when access to a zone is blocked, or when a teammate causes issues for others. Therefore, before issuing sanctions, ensure that the player's actions were or were not justified.

Absence Mandatory Wars

When the gang has 4 wars:

  • absent at 1/4 - fine 25.000$.
  • absent at 2/4 - Verbal Warning.
  • absent at 3/4 - Verbal Warning + fine 50.000$.
  • absent at 4/4 - Faction Warn.

When the gang has 3 wars:

  • absent at 1/3 - Verbal Warning.
  • absent at 2/3 - Verbal Warning + fine 50.000$.
  • absent at 3/3 - Faction Warn.

When the gang has 2 wars:

  • absent at 1/2 - Verbal Warning + fine 50.000$.
  • absent at 2/2 - Faction Warn.

When the gang has 1 war:

  • absent at 1/1 - Faction Warn.

10.3.1 Fines are paid directly in-game by players using the [/fines] command. Unpaid fines within 48 hours lead to being punished with a Faction Warn.

10.3.2 Fines can only be paid by the player who received them from their own funds. If the player fails to pay the fine on time, it will be recorded as unpaid on [/fines].

Fines for Worst (optional)

10.4.1 The leader decides whether to impose these sanctions for lost wars. Sanctions will be applied to all members or none depending on the leader's decision.

  • score of -5 in war: $25,000.
  • score of -10 in war: $30,000.
  • score lower than -15 in war: direct sanction with Faction Warn.

10.4.2 Fines are paid directly in-game by players using the [/fines] command. Unpaid fines within 48 hours lead to being punished with a Faction Warn.

10.4.3 Fines can only be paid by the player who received them from their own funds. If the player fails to pay the fine on time, it will be recorded as unpaid on [/fines].

Absence Requests

  • every member is entitled to 2 accepted requests per week.
  • the first 5 absence requests for wars are accepted, the rest will be rejected. For other activities, a limit will be announced if necessary.
  • if a member requests absence and is present at the activity or all wars during that day, the request will be rejected.
  • for 2 or more requests on consecutive days, faction leadership reserves the right to reject the request.
  • requests made during wars will be rejected.

11. Others

Tester Status

11.1 This status is assigned by the leader to members of at least rank 4 when they deem it appropriate.

11.1.1 Members with this status are obligated to respect Leader Rules -> Testing Candidates, and will be sanctioned accordingly for any violations.

Multiple Accounts and Shared IP

11.2.1 Members with multiple accounts (those who own more than one account) are not allowed to have more than one account in the same faction.

11.2.2 Three different days (IN THE LAST 7 DAYS) of logs (SA:MP Login) are sufficient to determine that 2 members from the same faction frequently share their account. In this situation, we will consider them players with multiple accounts in the same faction and both accounts will be dismissed.


For players who play from the same location and share a common IP, in order for both to be part of the same faction, it is necessary to open a ticket on the RPG website to perform some checks and allow this to happen.


11.3.1 You can hold any type of legal or illegal job outside War hours.

11.3.2 The leader has the right to force members to use a certain job for a specific period of time in order to carry out faction work (sanction: Faction Warn).

Kidnapping (/tie)

11.4.1 Kidnapping a player below level 10 and ejecting them from the vehicle when kidnapped is prohibited (sanction: Verbal Warning).

11.4.2 Requesting a ransom higher than $15,000 to untie a tied player is prohibited, and if the player pays, you are obligated to untie them.

11.4.3 You can use the /tie command between 10:00 - 22:00, and outside of this interval, you are required to untie them.

11.4.4 A tied player has the right to seek help from other gangs or departments.

11.4.5 The only case where a gangster can be blacklisted by a gang is when the script automatically adds them for /q on tie.

Violation of the above rules will be punished with Faction Warn.


11.5.1 You are allowed to wear skins of lower rank than your own rank (e.g., if you are rank 5, you can wear skins from ranks 1-4).

11.5.2 Skins purchased from Platinum, Diamond, or Onyx type businesses in Clothes can be worn unless the Internal regulations specify otherwise.

11.5.3 Wearing a skin of a higher rank is not permitted (penalty: Verbal Warning for first offense, Faction Warn if it continues).

Info note

With Leader's permission, other skins can be worn apart from the rules mentioned above.


  • disturbing parked cars: $25,000
  • being AFK at the HQ entrance (spawn): $25,000
  • spamming: $30,000
  • using caps: $30,000
  • being late at meetings / training / announced activities: $30,000
  • speaking without permission at meetings / training / unannounced activities: $25,000
  • being AFK during an activity: $35,000
  • grieving during wars (including insulting opponents): $100,000

Fines are paid directly in-game using the /fines command.
11.6 Unpaid fines within 48 hours will result in being penalized with Faction Warn.

Bans and Interdictions

11.7.1 Players banned for aimbot/norecoil cheats will not be accepted into any gang for a period of one month from the moment of the ban, receiving a interdiction.

11.7.2 The interdiction applies even if the player purchases an unban with gold.

11.7.3 The interdiction also applies to the secondary accounts of banned players, thus transferring the interdiction to accounts sharing a common IP.

11.7.4 A single shared log is necessary to dismiss an account from a gang if it is accessed by someone with an active interdiction.

11.7.5 In addition to the interdiction of joining a gang, a 60-day interdiction will be applied to receiving rank 6 in a gang.

11.7.6 Players who receive interdiction through the interdiction system on the website will always be dismissed with FP 60/60. Players who have been prohibited will be eligible for acceptance into another gang after a minimum of one month from receiving the interdiction.


11.8 We reserve the right to make exceptions to these rules. In certain cases, the sanctions may be different.
These exceptions can only be made with the permission of an Admin 6.