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Taxi Rules

Besides these rules, all members are obligated to respect both the Server Rules as well as Peaceful Faction and Mixt Rules.

1. Faction Commands

  • [/fare < price >] - become on duty.
  • [/accept taxi < Name/ID >] - accept an order.
  • [/cancel taxi < Name/ID >] - cancel an order.
  • [/servicecalls] - see unclaimed orders.
  • [/f < text >] - talk on the company's chat.
  • [/tx < text >] - talk on the taxi companies' chat.
  • [/members] - how all faction members connected / disconnected / afk etc.
  • [/skins] or [/clothes] - change your skin when you're in the clothing store, inside the HQ or the house.
  • [/ftalkpower < 0-5 >] - this command is used by rank 5+ to block chat for certain ranks.
  • [/tog] - display faction chat - toggle Company chat (Company chat will no longer be displayed - tc). Announcement must be made before using this command.
    • activate faction chat - Toggle Company chat on/off. (Members can/cannot use Company chat). Used only in exceptional cases. (Accessible to leader/subleader)
  • [/fvr] - respawn faction vehicles from rank 5.
  • [/fvs] - spawn a faction vehicle.
  • [/fmotd] - view the message of the day.
    • for Leader/Subleader: write/delete the message of the day.
  • [/fdeposit < amount >] - deposit an amount of money into the faction's safe.
  • [/fputmaterials < quantity >] - deposit a quantity of materials into the faction's safe.
  • [/fgetmaterials < quantity >] - extract a quantity of materials from the faction's safe.
  • [/fputdrugs < quantity >] - deposit a quantity of drugs into the faction's safe.
  • [/fgetdrugs < quantity >] - extract a quantity of drugs from the faction's safe.
  • [/fwithdrawpower < 1-6 >] - this command allows members of certain ranks to withdraw money from the faction's safe.
  • [/fwithdraw < amount >] - withdraw a sum of money from the faction's safe as Leader/Subleader.
  • [/vehrank] - set the rank of faction vehicles. Can only be used inside the HQ as Leader/Subleader.
  • [/testers] - see online testers/on duty as Leader/Subleader.
  • [/tduty] - become on duty as a tester from rank 4.
  • [/ft] - see online/AFK candidates for tests/start the test with a candidate from rank 4.
  • [/togcomms < Name/ID >] - toggle the candidate's communication channels from rank 4.
  • [/open] - this command opens/closes the faction's training room from rank 4.
  • [/sleep] - sleep inside the HQ.
  • [/myreport] or [/raport] - with this command, you can view the activity for the current week (points to recover/for the current report/bonus, date for Rank-up etc).
  • [/recon] or [/spec] - monitor a member as Leader.
  • [/fines] - with this command, you can see the list of fined members in the faction.
  • [/switchjob] - with this command, you can switch your current job to the Mechanic job.
  • [/onduty] - see members on duty as Leader.
  • [/bl] - see players on the faction's blacklist, the date they were added, and which blacklist they have 1/2 or 2/3.
  • [/mybl] - check if you are on a faction's blacklist.

2. Faction Skins

taxi skins

2.1 During an activity or within faction events, you are obligated to present yourself only with the faction skin corresponding to your rank (those who come with a different skin will be sanctioned with a Verbal Warning).

3. Faction Vehicles

vehicule taxi
  • 30 Premier/Taxi type taxis - Rank 0.
  • 25 Cabbie type taxis - Rank 1.
  • 5 Tahoma type taxis - Rank 2.
  • 5 Huntley type taxis - Rank 2.
  • 5 Alpha type taxis - Rank 3.
  • 5 Sultan type taxis - Rank 3.
  • 1 Maverick type vehicle - Rank 4.

3.1 When you no longer need a taxi, respawn it (blow it up). Do not insist on using [/fvr].

3.2 To take a Cabbie, Sultan, Huntley, Alpha, or Tahoma taxi, you must use the command [/fvs] in the faction's parking lot.

3.3 In case you crash or die while driving a faction vehicle, request [/fvr] from a rank 5+ without insistence or go after the taxi and make sure it reaches the faction HQ courtyard (sanction: Faction Warn).

3.4 You are obliged to announce when you take a taxi from another Taxi Company's courtyard (Example: [/tx] Taxi LS / LV / SF at mine) (sanction: Verbal Warning).

3.5 You are allowed to be AFK in faction vehicles (with or without [/fare) only for a limited period of time (except Maverick):

  • 1-30 sec. - you are not sanctioned.
  • 30-60 sec. - you are sanctioned with Verbal Warning.
  • more than 60 sec. - you are sanctioned with Faction Warn.

The AFK time does not accumulate if you go AFK multiple times, but be careful not to abuse this rule, otherwise, you will be sanctioned normally for being AFK in a taxi according to the rules above.

3.6 Any member from rank 1 to rank 6 can use the command [/fvs].

3.7 You are allowed to spawn a maximum of two taxi cars using the command [/fvs], except when spawning a taxi car for a colleague from another taxi company (sanction: Verbal Warning or Faction Warn if repeated).

3.8 Abusing the command [/fvs] or using it for fun is prohibited (sanction: Faction Warn or Rank Down depending on the case).

3.9 Using faction cars for personal purposes is prohibited (sanction: Faction Warn).

3.10 Only members rank 4+ can use the Maverick for faction activities as well as for personal ones (provided it is respawned).

3.11 You are allowed to take the Maverick from another taxi company only with the consent on [/tx] of a rank 5+ member (or a rank 4 if no rank 5+ member is online) from that taxi company (sanction: Faction Warn).

3.10.1 If a rank 5+ member (or 4 depending on the situation) does not give you consent to take the Maverick, you are not allowed to use it (sanction: Faction Warn).

3.10.2 If there are no rank 4+ members online to give you consent and you want to use the Maverick from another taxi company, you are required to ask on [/tx] three times within 30 seconds, with 10 seconds between each request. If nobody responds, you can take it (requires SS + timestamp) (sanction: Faction Warn).

3.10.3 Leaders and subleaders only need to announce when they take the Maverick from another company (sanction: Faction Warn).

3.12 Try as much as possible to be in a taxi near payday, so you don't lose the taxi (at payday, faction vehicles are automatically respawned).

3.13 The accepted colors for painting the taxi are: yellow, white, black, or monthly color (sanction: Faction Warn).

3.14 It is forbidden to put NOS, HYDRAULICS, PAINTJOB on taxis (sanction: Faction Warn).

4. Fare [/fare]

  • $30 during the hours of 08:00 - 20:00 (daytime rate) - [/fare 30]
  • $50 during the hours of 20:00 - 08:00 (nighttime rate) - [/fare 50]
  • $1 for colleagues (LS/LV/SF Taxi), regardless of the hour, including those of Rank 0 Candidate - [/fare 1]


Failure to comply with the above fares will result in a Verbal Warning for the first offense or a Faction Warn if repeated.

If you have an active command (the client is in the taxi) that spans the transition from day to night (e.g., 19:58 to 20:05), you should continue to charge them with the daytime fare (/fare 30). The same rule applies when transitioning from nighttime fare to daytime fare. In case of a complaint, you will need evidence. (sanction: Faction Warn).

4.1 It is forbidden to use another [/fare]. Change it within 1km of starting if set incorrectly (Verbal Warning for the first offense, Faction Warn if repeated).

4.2 It is forbidden to transport the client without [/fare] or to transport them on top of the taxi vehicle (Verbal Warning for the first offense, Faction Warn if repeated).

4.3 It is forbidden to offer money to customers before, during the ride, or to return the money at the end of the ride, as well as to ask for tips from customers (Faction Warn).

5. Orders

5.1 Orders are mandatory from rank 1 to rank 5.

5.2 Each client has the right to be transported to a SINGLE location. They can be transported to multiple locations upon request, only if desired by the taxi driver.

5.3 It is forbidden to take an order already accepted by another taxi driver (Verbal Warning).

5.4 It is forbidden to disturb in any way, from making reports on your colleagues, regardless of which taxi company they belong to (Faction Warn).

5.5 During an order, you are not allowed to talk on the phone or through messages. If it's urgent, ask the client for permission (Faction Warn).

5.6 During an order, you are not allowed to use [/q] or intentionally crash (Faction Warn).

5.5.1 In case you explode the taxi, regardless of the reason, or if you experience a crash with a client in the car, your obligation is to reconnect to the game as soon as possible and contact the client via [/sms] or other means, asking if they still want to continue the ride. In case of a complaint, you are required to have evidence from the moment of the discussion with the client (Faction Warn).

5.7 A taxi driver has the right to cancel an order [/cancel taxi] for a client when:

  • when the client is in another vehicle (requires screenshot).
  • when the client requests it either via /sms or when you arrive at their location (requires screenshot).
  • when the client is in the water or on the water with a boat (requires screenshot).
  • when the client is on a building or in the air with a flying vehicle (requires screenshot).
  • when the checkpoint keeps changing from one city to another (requires screenshot, video).
  • when the client insults, offends, or threatens you via [/sms] or [/call] (requires evidence).
  • when the client is AFK when you arrive at their location.

Failure to provide evidence in cases of complaints regarding [/cancel taxi] without valid reason will result in Faction Warn sanction.

5.8 Taxi members reserve the right to stop at a Pay'n'Spray (PNS) on the way to the client's desired destination, based only on clear evidence showing smoke coming out of the driven taxi. You are not allowed to detour to reach a Pay'n'Spray or do so without concrete evidence (sanction: Faction Warn).

5.9 Taxi members are obligated not to start moving until the client has entered the vehicle and until they have provided a final destination or a landmark (if the taxi driver has illegally parked the taxi, they may park legally in the nearest possible spot, but only after the client has entered) (sanction: Faction Warn).

5.10 You have the right to refuse a order if the location requested by the client is not listed as important locations on the forum, is not available on [/gps], the client does not provide a landmark or house/biz ID (for example, if they say they want to go to Verdant Meadows, you are not obligated to take them, but if they say they want to go to the deserted airport lv at the biz rent plane, you must take them) (sanction: Faction Warn).

5.11 The taxi driver is required to ask the client at least 3 times for the location (also in Romanian), if after these 3 questions (with at least 5 seconds between them, 15 seconds since the last one) the client does not say anything (a location), the taxi driver can use [/eject] (sanction: Faction Warn). You can write in the same sentence for example: RO: Unde vrei sa mergi? / EN: Where do you want to go?

5.12 A taxi driver has the right to kick out [/eject] a client from the vehicle when:

  • they insult or accuse you in any derogatory verbal form.
  • they want to be driven around when there are other orders to fulfill.
  • they refuse to specify an exact location or the ID of a house or business.
  • they say nothing when asked three times in a row, both in Romanian and in English, where they want to go.
  • they are AFK when the destination is reached.
  • they get into the taxi with a weapon in hand and shoot from the vehicle (H), after you have used [/eject] ask them to get back into the taxi without doing this again. If they refuse to get in or repeat this behavior, you can use [/eject] and take other orders (provide evidence of refusal or repeated violation).
  • they get into the taxi and the taxi driver already has another order accepted. It requires proof (SS) to demonstrate that you had an order at that time.
  • they get into the taxi as a second client and the first client says they are not together. It requires proof (SS) to demonstrate that they are not together.
  • they have wanted with surrender, are in the taxi, and are ordered by a police officer. You can stop the taxi in the nearest area, on the right side, and ask them to get out of the taxi (First time). If they refuse to get out, you can use [/eject]. Evidence (SS) is required to show that they refused to get out and that they were ordered.
  • they have wanted without surrender and you are ordered by the police (a single warning is sufficient), being obliged to eject them otherwise you risk being an accomplice.
  • they threaten to make a complaint (SS).
  • they refuse to get out of the taxi at the destination.
  • they get into the Taxi before the existing client in the car gets out and refuse to get out to get in again (obviously requires SS).

For all the above rules, you must have evidence (SS) to prove that you did not use [/eject] without reason, in case of a complaint (sanction: Faction Warn).

5.13 Choose the fastest route, do not choose detours. We want satisfied customers! (example: You start with the client from LV, they ask you to take them to CNN SF, and you detour through Bayside SF) (sanction: Faction Warn).

5.14 Do not accept to fulfill a request from the client to take them 1 km, drive them around, or perform a round trip order (example: "Take me 1 km to help me with a report; Take me to the PNS-back to CNN LS'' or similar cases). When faced with such a situation, explain to the client that the taxi is not for joyriding, then ask if they really need to be taken to an exact location (sanction: Faction Warn for the first offense, Dismissal for the next one).

5.15 If, upon reaching the destination, before the client exits, another potential client gets into the taxi, you are obliged to ask them to exit and re-enter the taxi, after the previous client has exited the taxi (the message appears indicating that they have exited and paid a sum of money) (sanction: Faction Warn).

5.16 When you are transporting multiple clients in the taxi (when there are several friends), and the second or third person to get in after the first person does not want to get off at the same location as the first person, you are obliged to ask them to get out of the taxi and get back in. If you leave them in the taxi without asking them to get back in, you will transport them for $0, which violates the rules.

5.17 You are not allowed to report, be on [/duty] with fare while having a wanted level with surrender rights or without surrender rights (sanction: Faction Warn).

5.18 Anyone who does not know all the important locations on the server will be sanctioned with a Faction Warn.

6. Faction Chat

6.1 It is prohibited to use [/tog] and deactivate faction chat without special permission from the leader (sanction: Verbal Warning).

6.2 Members of rank 5+ are allowed to close the chat for certain ranks [/ftalkpower] only with the consent of the leader or subleader (sanction: Faction Warn).

6.3 Direct command is used without consent when there is a heated argument that needs to be diffused, in case the leader or one of the sub-leaders is not online, but you will also need evidence (sanction: Verbal Warning).

6.4 It is forbidden to transform [/tx] into [/f] (chitchat, stories, arguing place, greetings, etc.) between 08:00 - 22:00 (sanction: Faction Warn).

6.5 You are allowed to use the chat [/tx] openly only between 22:00 - 08:00 (sanction: Faction Warn).


Chat [/tx] was created with the purpose of helping each other. Use it effectively between 08:00 - 22:00, continue the discussion on [/sms] with the colleague who will respond (help when someone doesn't know a location, repair/refill, robbery partners, radar locations, help for bunker/quest/events, or other server activities where we can assist each other if needed).

7. Activity Report

7.1 To view the activity for the current week (recovery points, points for the current report, bonus points, Rank UP date, etc.), you can use the in-game command [/myreport] or [/raport].

7.2 Players who join the faction on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday will have an optional report for the current week (but if they wish, they can still complete it and activate the bonus).

7.3 The bonus, which consists of $25,000, will be activated when you accumulate double the points for the activity report (if the report consists of accumulating 30 points, then you will activate the bonus when you accumulate 60 points).

8. Meetings and Activities

8.1 Optional activities can still be conducted by a rank 4+ member only after the Leader has given consent. These must be announced at least 48 hours in advance, and their frequency should not exceed once per week.

8.2 Abuse of animations that disrupt the organization of the activity or meeting is strictly prohibited. Use the [/gro] or [/chairsit] command and remain calm (sanction: Verbal Warning).

8.3 Do not attend activities/meetings with a wanted level (sanction: Verbal Warning).

8.4 After each activity/meeting, post the statistics following the completion of the activity (sanction: Verbal Warning).

9. Fines

The reasons for which a fine will be issued are as follows:

  • spam on [/f] - 30,000$
  • caps on [/f] - 30,000$
  • spam on [/tx] - 30,000$
  • caps on [/tx] - 30,000$
  • speaking without permission during a meeting/training - $25,000
  • being AFK during an activity - $35,000
  • parking vehicles in the HQ yard in a way that obstructs faction vehicle traffic - $50,000 for the first offense, Verbal Warning if it continues + fine of $50,000
  • unannounced FVR - $50,000 + Verbal Warning or Faction Warn depending on severity
  • FVR when another colleague of rank 5+ has announced doing one - $50,000

When issuing a fine, you are required to post it on the forum within 48 hours in the sanctions topic (Verbal Warning for the first offense, Faction Warn for subsequent offenses).

10. Candidates (rank 0)

10.1 If you are accepted into the faction, you must seek out a tester using the [/testers] command. You have a maximum of 72 hours to take the entry test.

10.2 The Leader chooses which rank 4+ member to assign as a tester. Getting rank 4 does not guarantee obtaining the tester role.

10.3 Faction testers are strictly prohibited from marking accepted players to "Passed the Test" status after they pass the tests, meaning they are not allowed to invite them (from rank 0 to rank 1) (sanction: Faction Warn + removal of Tester status).

10.4 The tester must mark the candidate as Failed in the event the candidate fails any of the tests during the entry test.

10.5 Candidates (rank 0) are strictly prohibited from using faction vehicles or vehicles from other taxi companies until they reach rank 1. The exception is during the entry test (sanction: failing the entry test).

10.6 Candidates (rank 0) are strictly prohibited from using the taxi company chat [/tx] (sanction: failing the entry test).

10.7 If the candidate has passed the entry tests, use the command [/togcomms].

10.8 Any player accepted to take the tests must behave decently. If they insult or behave inappropriately towards a faction member, they are automatically rejected without the right to retake the entry tests.

10.9 The candidate (rank 0) is considered a member of the faction, and breaking faction rules while still in testing leads to failing the tests.

11. Illegal Activities

11.1 You are allowed to rob whenever you want, provided you are present at the meeting or activity (sanction: Faction Warn).

11.2 It is permitted to possess/use drugs only when you are off duty, being penalized by the police if applicable (sanction: Verbal Warning).

12. Complaints

12.1 Evidence in complaints must be uploaded to, google photos,,, or Youtube. If the evidence is not uploaded to these platforms, the leader will not access it. The leader does not risk their PC data.

12.2 It is strictly forbidden to randomly complain (open PMs) to a faction colleague or from another taxi company with the aim of causing trouble, hindering them, the situation not directly affecting you beforehand (violation of this rule is punishable according to the severity of the situation, sanction: Verbal Warning and ignoring PMs for the first offense, or Faction Warn or Dismissal if repeated).