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Hitmen Agency Rules

Besides these rules, all members are obligated to respect both the Server Rules as well as Peaceful Faction and Mixt Rules.

1. Faction Commands

  • [/f] - you speak on the faction chat.
  • [/clothes] - to change the skin, it can be done at home, HQ, or at a clothing store.
  • [/fvs] - to spawn a faction vehicle.
  • [/fvr] - using this command respawns all faction vehicles (rank 5+).
  • [/fdeposit] - adds a sum of money to the faction vault.
  • [/fputdrugs] - deposits drugs into the faction vault.
  • [/fputmaterials] - deposits materials into the faction vault.
  • [/fgetdrugs] - with this command, you can take drugs from the faction vault.
  • [/fgetmaterials] - with this command, you can take materials from the faction vault.
  • [/timestamp] - shows the time in chat. This command must always be active.
  • [/blacklist [/bl]] - list of players on the faction blacklist.
  • [/tog Hitman Contracts] - toggles hitman contract messages on/off.
  • [/portable] - opens the agency's laptop (you must be connected to use specific commands).
    • [MyContract] - shows details about the target, such as: name, ID, level, faction if applicable, job, and jail time if applicable.
    • [Gethit] - takes a contract.
    • [Leavehit] - cancels a contract.
    • [Order] - orders a package of weapons based on rank.
      • Order 1: (rank 1) Knife, SD Pistol, MP5, Sniper.
      • Order 2: (rank 2+) Knife, SD Pistol, MP5, M4, Sniper.
      • Order 3: (rank 2+) Knife, SD Pistol, MP5, AK47, Sniper.
    • [Ranks] - displays online members and their ranks.
    • [Undercover] - ensures your secret identity for contract execution.
    • [Logout] - logs you out from the agency's laptop.
  • [/ft] - list of online candidates.
  • [/togcomms] - (un)lock the communication channels of the candidate.

2. Faction Skins

Hitmen Agency skins

3. Faction Vehicles

Hitmen Agency vehicles
  • 37 Sparrow - Rank 1.
  • 3 Buffalo - Rank 1.
  • 3 FCR-900 - Rank 2.
  • 1 Sultan - Rank 3.
  • 2 Maverick - Rank 4.

4. Completing Contracts

Info Note

The steps to take a contract are as follows: [/portable], gethit, order, undercover, [/find].

4.1 Each contract must be performed silently.

4.1.1 Silent mode represents carrying out a contract from a long distance, from a location where you cannot be seen by anyone, using a sniper rifle.

4.2 The weapons you can use to carry out a contract are: Sniper, SD Pistol, and Knife.

4.3 You can carry out a contract using a Knife or SD Pistol only when the target is inside a house / faction HQ / clan HQ / business / PD Garage / Training Room or City Hall. You are not allowed to perform contracts in Poker or any kind of arena (Paintball, Gungame, Pubg, Race Arena, etc.) (sanction: dismissal).

4.4.1 Completing contracts with weapons other than those mentioned above, or using SD Pistol and Knife when the target is not inside a house / faction HQ / clan HQ / business / PD Garage or City Hall will result in your dismissal with 60 FP.

4.4 If your target is in a house with their back against the wall or is moving, making it impossible to complete the contract with a Knife, you are permitted to use the SD PISTOL. Anyone caught abusing this weapon will be sanctioned with a Faction Warn on the first offense and dismissal with 60 FP if repeated.

4.5 When the target's house is locked, you can use the command [/ram] to break in.

4.6 In the case of targets located in HQ / Training Room, you have the option to carry out the contract as follows: use [/ram] if your target is in the HQ or [/enter] if the target is in the Training Room and execute the contract. If there is a meeting / training session, leave the area entirely, make sure nobody sees you, and use [leavehit].

4.7 In the case of targets located in the Bunker, you have two options to carry out the contract:

  • wait until the target leaves the Bunker and then execute the contract.
  • you can use the command [leavehit] and take another contract.

4.8 Agents are strictly prohibited from executing contracts in Jail (sanction: dismissal).

4.9 Contracts cannot be executed on targets who are using [/sleep].

4.10 Executing contracts at important events organized by admins is strictly prohibited (sanction: dismissal).

4.11 When you have a contract, you are not allowed to be accompanied by individuals who are not part of the Agency.

4.12 Contracts executed with a Sniper from a distance less than 150 meters will be sanctioned with a Faction Warn.

4.13 Any form of interaction with the target (messages / calls / communication) or disclosing contract details to the victim or any other individuals is strictly prohibited (sanction: dismissal).

4.14 Interacting with any other player during a contract is strictly prohibited (sanction: Faction Warn).

4.15 Cheating or assisting a colleague in cheating the activity report is strictly prohibited (sanction: dismissal).

4.16 An agent is not allowed to reveal their identity while UNDERCOVER ON (sanction: Faction Warn).

4.17 You are allowed to have colleagues with you on G during contracts.

Identity Disclosure + Sanction

  • using the command [/emergency] when under attack (sanction: Faction Warn).
  • using the command [/q] or [/quit] while UNDERCOVER ON and in the vicinity of other players (sanction: Faction Warn).

Identity Disclosure WITHOUT Sanction

  • when a player uses the command [/tazer] & [/confiscate] on themselves.


In this case, the agent is obliged to leave as soon as possible. If there is any interaction with them in any chat, the sanction for "Interacting with players during a contract" will be applied (sanction: Faction Warn).

Non-Disclosure of Identity

  • using the command [/eject] when a player uninvitedly enters the faction vehicle you are executing the contract with.

5. Leavehit and Gethit

5.1 Each agent can obtain a contract using the command [/portable] - gethit.

5.2 After completing a contract, you must wait for a certain period of time (this period depends on the distance and how the contract was executed) before you can take another contract. These waiting periods and execution methods are as follows:

  • for contracts executed between 150.0m and 199.9m, the waiting time is 15 minutes.
  • for contracts executed between 200.0m and 249.9m, the waiting time is 10 minutes.
  • for contracts executed between 250.0m and 299.9m or in the case where the target commits suicide (from 150.0m to 299.9m), the waiting time is 5 minutes.
  • if the contract was executed from a distance at least equal to 300m or with a Knife/SD Pistol, the agent can automatically take another contract.


  • an agent has the option to use the command [leavehit] when they desire, with a cooldown of 5 minutes between each leavehit.
  • upon using the command [leavehit], the undercover mode turns OFF. Therefore, before using this command, make sure there is nobody around you who is not part of the agency.


  • an agent has the option to use the command [gethit] when they want to file their report, not to take advantage of undercover.

6. Undercover

6.1 When an agent has a contract, they are obligated to ensure they are undercover (UNDERCOVER ON).

6.2 Undercover mode disappears one minute after completing a contract.

6.3 Agents are not allowed to abuse Undercover (sanction: Faction Warn for the first offense, dismissal for subsequent offenses).


The command "undercover", following the acquisition of a contract with [gethit], should only be typed when you are sure that there are no other players around you who are not part of the agency and could see you. Of course, after completing the contract, nobody should be around when undercover mode turns OFF (sanction: Faction Warn).

Undercover Abuse

  • when you equip noss/hydra on your car and intentionally drive to a police officer, trying to annoy / stress them out by bumping into them while having UNDERCOVER ON.
  • when, using a wheeled vehicle, you repeatedly and abusively pass through a police officer's radar without reason while undercover.

Undercover Non-Abuse

  • when you're pursuing a target, you're ordered by a police officer to stop, and you ignore their order, disregarding it.
  • when a police officer tells you to disable Undercover, and you choose not to do so, fleeing and risking a wanted level.
  • when you use a wheeled vehicle to execute a contract and pass through a radar, and the police officer warns you to pull over for a fine, but you ignore them.

7. Conflicts

7.1 Any conflict with any member remains within the faction and will be resolved by the Leader or Subleader.

7.2 For a proper resolution, you are obligated to take pictures that encompass the entire situation.

7.3 If a member comments on the Leader or Subleader, they will be sanctioned with a Faction Warn.

8. Fines

  • AFK at HQ (Interior / exterior) in "i" if blocking player access - $25,000
  • Spam on [/f] - $30,000
  • Caps on [/f] - $30,000
  • Delay in announced meeting / Training / Activity - $30,000
  • Speaking without permission during Meeting / Training - $25,000
  • AFK during an activity - $35,000
  • Parking vehicles in the HQ courtyard in a way that obstructs faction vehicle traffic. - $50,000, second offense Verbal Warning + fine $50,000
  • Unannounced FVR - $50,000 + Verbal Warning or Faction Warn depending on severity.
  • FVR when another colleague rank 5+ was announced: $50,000

Info note

If it is proven that [/fvr] was deliberately used to hinder the member, the sanction for abuse of [/fvr] applies.

9. Blacklist

9.1 You can perform a drive-by as a passenger on players who are on the blacklist.

9.2 You can use a Sultan or Maverick to chase players on the blacklist (for the Maverick, you must be accompanied by a rank 4).

9.3 Briefly and clearly explain the reason for killing a player on the blacklist if they ask why they were killed.

9.4 When chasing a player on the blacklist, inform them that they are on the blacklist and that they can pay off the blacklist using the command [/mybl].

10. The Silent One

10.1 The Silent One (TSO) is a MANDATORY competition for agents ranked 1-5 that takes place weekly. Participation is done on the forum in the topic The Silent One.

10.1.1 Failure to participate in the contest or posting an incorrect picture will be sanctioned with a Verbal Warning for the first offense, Faction Warn for subsequent offenses.

10.1.2 For members with optional reports or inactivity, participation in TSO is optional.

10.2 For a TSO contract to be considered valid, it must meet the following conditions:

  • minimum distance of 300 meters.
  • the picture must have the target locked.
  • timestamp must be activated, use [/timestamp] to activate it.
  • you must be aligned with the target on the minimap (example of correct alignment / example of incorrect alignment).
  • the distance on [/find] must match the distance in the informational message that the contract was completed (there are some exceptions, see rule 10.2.1).

Info Note

Here are some examples of valid contracts to show how they should look.

10.2.1 There are situations where the distance on [/find] does not match the completion distance if the target is moving. The contract will be considered valid as long as the target is aligned with you on the minimap (example).

10.2.2 There are situations where the target is not visible after you kill them. The contract will be considered valid as long as the target is aligned with you on the minimap (example).

10.2.3 Informative damage is not mandatory but is recommended to have it activated.

10.3 Contracts for the current edition of TSO can be posted ONLY after the results of the previous edition are posted (sanction: Verbal Warning).

10.4 You can edit your forum post to modify the picture with the contract as long as the forum allows the editing option. If it is not available, you can discuss with the leader to edit your post if they agree.

10.5 You are not allowed to post more than one contract per edition of TSO. In this case, only the first posted contract will be considered.

10.6 TSO starts on Monday at 00:00 and ends on Sunday at 23:59. Only contracts completed and posted within the respective edition's week are considered valid.

11. Others

11.1 When an agent has Wanted 6 (no surrender rights), they are obligated not to stay at the HQ because there is a possibility of other victims.

11.2 It is recommended that agents take a picture after each completed contract to avoid conflicts, or in case they are reported.

11.3 The use of silent weapons, Sniper and Knife for self-defense (against COPS) will be punished with dismissal with FP.

11.4 Absence from activities or meetings without permission will be sanctioned with Faction Warn. being late to activities or meetings is sanctioned as follows:

  • being late under 10 minutes - nothing
  • being late for 10-20 minutes - Verbal Warning (VW)
  • being late for 20-30 minutes - Verbal Warning (VW) + $50,000 fine
  • being late for 30+ minutes - Faction Warn (FW)

11.5 Deathmatching without having a contract will be sanctioned with Faction Warn.