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Rules Avispa Rifa

Besides these rules, all members are obligated to respect both the Server Rules as well as Gang Rules.

1. Faction Commands

  • [/f] - (rank 1) gang chat.
  • [/fdeposit] - (rank 1) deposit money into the gang safe.
  • [/fwithdraw] - (rank established by the leader) withdraw money from the faction safe.
  • [/fputdrugs] - (rank 1) deposit drugs into the faction safe.
  • [/fgetdrugs] - (rank 1) withdraw drugs from the faction safe.
  • [/turfs] - (rank 1) view the gang's territories on the map.
  • [/gc] - (rank 1) alliance chat.
  • [/leavewar] - (rank 1) leave optional wars.
  • [/guns] - (rank 1) get weapons for optional wars.
  • [/fines] - (rank 1) list of players who have received fines / pay fines here.
  • [/stealers] - (rank 1) list of players who have stolen faction vehicles.
  • [/tie] - (rank 3) tie up a person in the car with you if you are the driver.
  • [/untie] - (rank 3) untie a tied person.
  • [/tduty] - (rank 4 + Tester) go on duty.
  • [/backup] - (rank 4) call for reinforcements to your location.
  • [/fvr] - (rank 5) respawn all faction vehicles.
  • [/ftalkpower] - (rank 5) set the minimum rank to speak in faction chat.
  • [/fwithdrawpower] - (Leader) modify the rank that can access the faction safe.
  • [/fputmaterials] - (rank 1) deposit materials in the faction's safe.
  • [/fgetmaterials] - (rank 1) withdraw materials from the faction's safe.
  • [/skins] - (rank 1) change the faction skin.
  • [/setgc] - (Leader) apply a restriction on the faction chat.
  • [/upcomingwars] - (rank 1) show upcoming wars.
  • [/order] - (rank 1) buy weapons from HQ.
    • [/order 1] - (rank 1 / 350 mats) Desert Eagle.
    • [/order 2] - (rank 2 / 2850 mats) Desert Eagle, M4.
    • [/order 3] - (rank 3 / 5850 mats) Desert Eagle, M4, Rifle.
    • [/order 4] - (rank 4 / 6500 mats) Desert Eagle, M4, TEC-9, Combat Shotgun, Rifle.
  • [/ft] - list of online candidates.
  • [/togcomms] - (un)lock the communication channels of the candidate.

2. Faction Skins

avispa rifa skins

3. Faction Vehicles

avispa rifa vehicles
  • 4 Merit - Rank 1.
  • 2 FCR-900 - Rank 1.
  • 4 Huntley - Rank 2.
  • 1 Buccaneer - Rank 3.
  • 1 Maverick - Rank 4.
  • 1 Stretch - Rank 5.

3.1 For rank 4+ vehicles, announce on [/f] when you take them.