National Guard Rules¶
Besides these rules, all members are obligated to respect both the Server Rules as well as Department Rules.
1. Faction Commands¶
- [/r] - you speak in the faction chat.
- [/d] - you speak in the common chat between departments.
- [/duty] - you put yourself on duty.
- [/mdc < id >] - you check a player's crimes.
- [/tazer] - you mount the stun gun on the Deagle and immobilize the player you shoot for 8 seconds.
- [/su < id >] - you grant wanted status to a player from a predefined list.
- [/nearwanted] - you open a list of nearby players with wanted status.
- [/wanted] - shows all the suspects that have wanted.
- [/m < text >] - from inside a police vehicle, you use the megaphone to broadcast a message over a larger area.
- [/ms] - you send an automatic message (warning) to the player you are aiming at.
- [/cuff < id >] - you handcuff a player.
- [/clear < id >] - you clear the wanted status of a player (in case you mistakenly granted it).
- [/punish < id >] - you lock a player from Jail for a few seconds.
- [/ram] - you force entry into a locked house.
- [/arrest < id >] - you arrest a player who has a wanted status.
- [/frisk < id >] - you frisk a player to see if they have illegal items on them.
- [/confiscate < object > < id >] - you confiscate a player's items (materials/drugs).
- [/lawyer < id > < price >] - you sell release warrants (you need 15 points for a warrant).
- [/acceptpoints] - you find out how many points you have for selling warrants.
- [/gov < text >] - governmental global chat used only for important announcements.
- [/members] - shows the list of all faction members.
- [/onduty] - shows members on duty.
- [/fvr] - respawns faction vehicles.
- [/skins] - allows changing the skin.
- [/uncuff
] - uncuffs a player. - [/backup] - calls for reinforcements to the current location.
- [/cbackup] - cancels the call for reinforcements.
- [/opengate
] - opens a gate in Jail. - [/jaillist] - displays a list of prisoners in Jail.
- [/untie
] - releases a player from [/tie]. - [/fvs] - spawns a faction vehicle.
- [/ftalkpower
] - applies a restriction on faction chat. - [/shield < Buy/Use/Remove >] - buys/attaches/removes the protective shield.
- [/tduty] - goes on duty as a Tester.
- [/copguns] - sets pre-determined weapons for [/duty].
- [/opencell < cell id> ] - opens a cell.
- [/closecell < cell id> ] - closes a cell.
- [/opencellsall] - opens all cells.
- [/closecellsall] - closes all cells.
- [/ft] - list of online candidates.
- [/togcomms] - (un)lock the communication channels of the candidate.
2. Faction Skins¶
2.1 You are allowed to wear skins of lower ranks than yours (e.g., if you are rank 5, you can wear skins from ranks 1-4).
3. Faction Vehicles¶
- 20 Patriot - Rank 0.
- 17 Police Car - Rank 0.
- 2 Predator - Rank 1.
- 3 NRG - Rank 2.
- 7 Turismo - Rank 2.
- 1 NG Maverick - Rank 2.
- 2 Rustler - Rank 2.
- 3 Hunter - Rank 3.
- 3 Barracks - Rank 4.
- 4 Hydra - Rank 4.
3.1 Only Rank 3+ members can pursue / arrest surrendering suspects using their personal vehicles as drivers, except for non-surrendering suspects, for whom any Rank 2+ can use personal vehicles (sanction: Faction Warn).
3.2 You are required to turn on the siren when you go on a pursuit mission (sanction: Verbal Warning for the first offense, Faction Warn for subsequent ones).
3.3 You are allowed to violate traffic rules when driving a police car with the siren on (sanction: Faction Warn).
3.4 FBI / National Guard members will be able to pursue suspects in civilian vehicles. If they are pursuing surrendering suspects, they must respect traffic rules, but if the pursued suspects do not surrender, they can violate those rules (sanction: Faction Warn).
3.5 When a police officer violates traffic rules (driving against traffic, using nitro, etc.), they should be fined directly in-game by a PD member or if reported on the website, fined by the Leader. If they fail to pay the fine within 48 hours, they receive a Faction Warn.
4.1. The Jail¶
General Jail Rules¶
4.1.1 The guard team is formed by National Guard members of Rank 1 and 2, both having field access (rank 1 has limited access).
4.1.2 Only Department members and prisoners are allowed in the cell area.
4.1.3 Civilians without wanted status are not allowed to go to the cell area.
4.1.4 The Governmental Area is considered the part between Gate 1 and Gate 2, individuals in this area will be warned three times, and one minute will be waited from the last warning. Individuals crossing Gate 2 will receive a wanted level 2 "Governmental Area" without warning, being considered detainees (sanction: Faction Warn).
4.1.5 Individuals in the first room without reason will be warned three times + one minute will be waited from the last warning, otherwise they receive a wanted level 2 "Disobeying Order" (sanction: Faction Warn).
4.1.16 Cells will automatically open by script at :00 and :30, and will also automatically close by script at :10 and :40.
Info Note
The cell opening schedule is between 08:00 and 02:00, opening automatically by script.
4.1.7 If there is a PD / FBI / National Guard member at Jail and a suspect with any wanted level arrives, the National Guard member has priority to arrest them. If there are no National Guard members at Jail (during arrest, in cells, or in the Yard), then PD / FBI has the right to arrest any wanted individual inside the Jail.
4.1.8 When someone finds a suspect at Jail, ask on [/d]: [suspect's name] is with someone?. If someone answers "Yes", then you must hand over the suspect to the person who answered.
4.1.9 PD, FBI, and National Guard must use [/duty] in the Armory or at home to be able to use any police-specific commands (including driving police cars, armor at [/heal]).
4.1.10 It is prohibited to stay AFK On-Duty in Jail for more than 5 minutes regardless of the situation. If you want to take a break longer than 5 minutes, you can stay in the First Room, behind bars (example: HERE), or you can stay in the Safety Zone between the two gates (example: HERE). In both cases, you must be Off-Duty (sanction: Faction Warn or Dismissal depending on the situation).
4.1.11 Removing a prisoner from the cell is done by asking them to use the [/handsup] animation, then they will be handcuffed [/cuff], and only then their cell will be opened. Make sure that only the desired prisoner exits the cell and not everyone. After removing the prisoner from the cell, do not forget to close the cell.
4.1.12 If multiple prisoners are removed from cells and you cannot handle them anymore, you have the right to use weapons against them (pay close attention to this rule, use weapons only in serious situations).
4.1.13 You are allowed to use [/tazer] within reason. In case you fail to catch the detainee to administer punishment, in extreme situations when you are attacked by one or more prisoners, and in case certain bugs are used to hide their name and ID. To avoid unpleasant situations when bugs are created, it is recommended to wait 8 seconds before using the [/punish] command on a detainee who has been [/tazer].
4.1.14 Releasing a prisoner from the cell will only be done with a valid reason. Do not release detainees without reason. Reasons for releasing detainees from the cell:
- when they want to drink something from the bar;
- transfer to another cell (only if the National Guard member deems it necessary).
4.1.15 Those who have the lawyer job will advertise themselves on [/ad] or [/news], they are not allowed to come to Jail to advertise themselves.
4.1.16 The cell opening schedule is within the interval of 8:00 - 2:00, every Payday (:00), and every half-hour (:30), automatically opening from the script.
4.1.17 A maximum of 4 guards can enter the Jail courtyard.
4.1.18 To catch players escaping, the National Guard member must be near the person or persons trying to escape. If they are close enough to them, they will automatically enter Jail with the maximum sentence, and the National Guard member will receive a message on the screen about this.
4.1.19 If the player or players manage to escape from Jail, they will receive a temporary Wanted level 6, during which National Guard members (Rank 2+) or any other member of the Police Departments can go after them and kill them.
4.1.20 There is a one-minute delay before the Departments are alerted that someone has escaped, during which time the suspects remain with the Jail skin and do not receive a wanted level. You are not allowed to kill them before they receive the wanted level for escaping. If the suspects are killed by other players or die on their own before receiving the wanted level for escaping, they automatically go back to Jail with the maximum sentence.
4.1.21 Giving [/punish] without reason is not allowed. Any [/punish] must have a well-founded reason and should only be given after pictures/videos have been taken showing a rule violation (sanction: Faction Warn).
4.1.22 If someone intentionally gives [/punish] to those attempting to escape specifically to stop them from doing so (sanction: Faction Warn).
4.1.23 The only way to stop players from escaping is to be near them when they attempt to escape.
4.1.24 You are not allowed to kill detainees without reason (sanction: Faction Warn).
4.1.25 To administer [/punish] to a detainee, they must attack you with their fists at least 2-3 times.
4.1.26 To administer [/punish], a detainee must hit the bars with their fists at least 2-3 times.
4.1.27 [/punish] can be given if a detainee insults you (for insults examples see Server Rules > Unpunishable Language) (sanction: Faction Warn).
4.1.28 In Jail, National Guard members have the right to use the [/frisk] command on any civilian who enters, whether they have a wanted level or not, except those without surrender rights. If you find weapons or drugs on the civilian, you are allowed to confiscate them, explaining "You entered with weapons on Governmental Area" or "You had drugs on you".
4.1.29 In jail, National Guard members can confiscate drugs from all individuals inside it.
4.1.30 In this mode, you can see the names of the detainees in JAIL [ CLICK HERE ].
Civilian Rules¶
4.2.2 You are not allowed to come to Jail to spam "I surrender". Ask a guard to arrest you and wait calmly.
4.2.3 Civilians without wanted status have no business in Jail, except for lawyers who have a client.
4.2.4 You are not allowed to pass Gate 2 (into the cell room), you will immediately receive wanted level 2 (WITHOUT WARNING) for the reason "Governmental Area".
4.2.5 If you are a lawyer, you can use [/free] from the "i".
4.2.6 You must obey the guards' orders, otherwise you will be sanctioned with wanted level 2, for "Disobeying Order".
Detainee Rules¶
4.3.1 You must listen to the guards.
4.3.2 You are not allowed to spam, asking a guard to take you out of the cell regardless of the reason, this way you lose the chance to get out.
4.3.3 You are not allowed to punch the bars (including during break), fight your cellmate or the guards, you will receive [/punish].
4.3.4 You are not allowed to pass Gate 1 or Gate 2 during the 10-minute break without the permission of the guard, you will receive [/punish].
4.3.5 You are not allowed to use any bugs that advantage you from inside or outside the jail yard, you will receive [/punish].
4.3.6 You are not allowed to go down through the tunnel to the base, anyone caught risks [/punish] Example.
4.3.7 For any obscene gesture [/wank, /pee], you will be given [/punish] without warning.
4.3.8 Any prisoner outside the cells after the break will receive [/punish].
4.3.9 You are not allowed to fight with other detainees during the 10-minute break, you risk [/punish].
Jail Areas¶
5. General Rules¶
5.1 National Guard members are required to have a valid forum account set on their website profile. New members have 48 hours from the invite to set up a valid forum profile (example) (sanction: Verbal Warning).
5.2 Those who possess materials or drugs have 24 hours from entering the faction to get rid of them. To get rid of them use the [/throw] command (sanction: Faction Warn).
5.3 National Guard members DO NOT have the right under any circumstances to confiscate any type of license.
6. Wanted and Arrest¶
6.1 If a Department member gives wanted to a civilian, they have the right to arrest them, regardless of the wanted level.
6.2 The priority for pursuit and arrest of suspects by the National Guard will only be Wanted 5-6 and those without surrender rights, and if the Wanted List contains only Wanted 1-4, a picture must be taken to demonstrate this, and then pursuit of suspects with a wanted level lower than 5 can be carried out. Rank 4+ can go after any suspect, with any Wanted level (sanction: Faction Warn).
6.3 National Guard members with a rank lower than 4 have the obligation that when a suspect with wanted 1-4 surrenders to them, they must handcuff [/cuff] them, then announce on [/d] the suspect's ID, wanted level, and approximate location. The suspect will be handed over to whoever requests it on [/d]. You can only arrest the suspect with the consent of those responsible for them. If no one responds on the department chat after asking three times, you have the right to arrest the suspect (sanction: Faction Warn).
6.4 National Guard members of RANK 1 are allowed to arrest wanted 5-6 outside the jail, they are NOT allowed to arrest wanted 1-4 / suspects without surrender rights.
Info note
They can arrest suspects with lower wanted levels if the wanted is given by them, or they can defend themselves if attacked.
6.5 You do not have permission to enter businesses where events are taking place, unless there is a suspect without surrender rights inside that interior (sanction: Faction Warn).
6.6 If a player is on G with a suspect without surrender rights, and they DO NOTHING, you have no right to sanction the player (sanction: Faction Warn).
7. Cop Attack/Kill¶
7.1 To assign Wanted 3 with the reason "Cop Attack" to a player, you must have photo or video evidence (preferably video evidence or multiple clear photos) that the player intended to attack you, and it must be clear that it was not accidental. The informative message showing how much damage you received is not sufficient to assign Wanted 3 for Cop Attack (sanction: Faction Warn).
7.2 To lose surrender rights, a player must attack you with fists at least 4 times or shoot at you (valid also in jail) (sanction: Faction Warn).
7.3 You are not allowed to assign wanted for "Cop Attack" or "Cop Kill" to players who attack you during an event when you are present in that location to kill a suspect who does not have surrender rights. It is recommended to inform the organizer of that event about the purpose of your presence in that location (sanction: Faction Warn).
7.4 Rank 1 members are not allowed to pursue suspects but only to kill them in self-defense when attacked.
7.5 If a National Guard member is attacked by a player without a wanted level, the self-defense rule applies, allowing the member to kill the player without being sanctioned.
8. Confiscate and Frisk¶
8.1 When confiscating a player's weapons, you are required to tell them the reason. A simple text stating "weapons in plain sight" is sufficient (sanction: Verbal Warning).
8.2 National Guard members can use [/frisk] and confiscate weapons / drugs in jail and on the field. They are not allowed to conduct routine checks (pull over players) (sanction: Faction Warn).
8.3 National Guard members are not allowed to request a player's licenses [/requestlicenses] as they are not permitted to conduct routine checks (sanction: Faction Warn).
8.4 If you suspect a player of having drugs, you are obligated to use [/frisk] on them first, before using [/confiscate]. In case of a complaint, it is necessary to provide evidence containing [/frisk] (sanction: Verbal Warning for the first offense, Faction Warn if repeated).
9. Others¶
9.1 If a faction member sends private messages (PMs) solely to disrupt a colleague, the member will be warned in advance by the leader to cease the PMs, and they will be ignored. Subsequent infractions will be punished with a Faction Warn and even Dismissal (if necessary).
9.2 To join the National Guard, you need a Detective skill level of 5.
9.3 Making negative generalizations about other departments or colleagues, regardless of existing issues, is prohibited. Violation of this rule will be sanctioned with a Faction Warn or Dismissal, depending on the circumstances and the number of previous infractions.
9.4 Any player accepted to conduct tests must behave decently. If they insult or exhibit inappropriate behavior towards a faction member, they are automatically rejected without the right to conduct faction entry tests anymore.