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Department Rules

Besides these rules, all members are obligated to respect both the Server Rules as well as the specific Internal Rules of your faction outlined in the Internal Rules section below.

1. Behaviour and Language


Language that violates the rules below is punishable even if it is knowingly addressed from secondary accounts to faction colleagues.

1.1 Examples of language towards colleagues punishable with Faction Warn:

  • failure, suckers, handicapped, stupid, idiot, moron or other forms of mild insults.
  • single words that are sufficiently well censored and where the context is not very clear, such as: suck ****, eat ****, *** etc.
  • obscene gestures (_|_, _()_ etc.).

Info note

This language will only be punished if the offended colleague files a complaint.
Complaints against colleagues are made by contacting the leader through a private message, not on the RPG website.

1.2 Examples of language towards colleagues or other players punishable by dismissal:

  • suck my dick, fmm, cocksucker, fuck you, piss on your mother, piss on your family, piss in your mouth, your bitch mom etc.
  • different inventions to modify cursing like: di_ck, fememe, fuc y0u etc.
  • censored insults, censored vulgar language used in an exagerated manner or where the context can be well understood.


Language of this kind in the faction chat will always be punished regardless of who it is addressed to.

1.3 In addition to language towards colleagues, the following are prohibited:

  • arguing (sanction: Faction Warn for the first offense, dismissal if it continues).
  • teasing, tasteless jokes, sarcasm, ridicule, comments (sanction: Verbal Warning for the first offense, Faction Warn if it continues).


If the member does not cease even after receiving the second sanction, they will be dismissed.
For the cases presented above, the language used is sanctioned regardless of the language used.

  • any conflict between colleagues will be resolved in the presence of faction leadership.
  • failure to cease conflict upon intervention by a higher-ranking member will be sanctioned with Faction Warn.
  • teasing or insulting faction leadership may be sanctioned with Faction Warn or dismissal depending on severity.
  • players accepted for testing must behave decently, otherwise, they will be rejected without the right to undergo faction entry tests.

2. Deathmatch (DM) and Drive-By (DB)

2.1 It is forbidden to DM or DB without justified reason (sanction: Faction Warn).

2.1.1 In the event that the suspect is in an airplane, you have the right to shoot down the plane through a drive-by.

2.2 You are not allowed to kill a civilian if they ask you to do so or request to be killed by you (sanction: Faction Warn).

2.3 If you are attacked, gather evidence first, then you can defend yourself.

3. Faction Organization

3.1 The leader along with members of higher rank have the final say in making any decision.

3.2 Only members with Rank 4+, who have Tester status, can conduct tests with faction applicants.

3.3 Only members with Rank 3+ can organize training sessions and activities.

3.4 Members who do not listen to those of higher rank can be sanctioned (sanction: Faction Warn for the first offense, dismissal if it continues).

4. Activity

Activity Overview


Members who do not make sufficient contributions to a faction and only occupy a spot will be considered inactive (sanction: dismissal).

4.1.1 Sharing an account among members of the same faction is prohibited (sanction: dismissal).

4.1.2 If players share the same IP but are not the same person (e.g., siblings, couple, etc.), they must open a ticket on the RPG website and receive permission from a 4+ admin who will witness in-game that the two accounts do not belong to the same person.

Mandatory Activities and Meetings

4.2.1 Mandatory activities can be organized by the leader with a well-founded reason and with the approval of a Faction Manager (admin 4+). Considering that they will be quite rare, all members must attend and are not entitled to leave, except for players who have submitted an inactivity request for that week. A mandatory activity is valid as long as it is announced at least one week in advance (sanction: Faction Warn).

4.2.2 Being late at mandatory activities and organized meetings are not tolerated.

  • being late 10 minutes or less - nothing.
  • being late 10 - 20 minutes - Verbal Warning.
  • being late 20 - 30 minutes - Verbal Warning and a fine of $50,000.
  • being late 30+ minutes - Faction Warn.

4.2.3 For admins of levels 1-3, if the mandatory activity takes place during wars, they will be automatically excused, provided that they fulfill their admin duties regarding catching code abusers.

4.2.4 For subleaders, the leader will decide whether to sanction their absence from mandatory activities when they have not submitted an inactivity request for that week.

4.2.5 Anyone who is late for a meeting / training will come to the Armoury / Meeting Room without making noise in the chat or on [/r].

4.2.6 During meetings or training sessions, you will silence your phones and listen to the leader, subleader, or trainer until they allow you to speak. Until then, you are required not to use the chat without a valid reason (sanction: Verbal Warning or Faction Warn, as appropriate).

4.2.7 During activities, only faction leadership is allowed to approve the use of vehicles from the garage (sanction: Verbal Warning or Faction Warn, as appropriate).

4.2.8 Members present at activities are required to follow the organizer's instructions and demonstrate discipline and respect towards them. Jokes at their expense are not allowed (sanction: Verbal Warning or Faction Warn, as appropriate).

Activity Report

4.3.1 Each member of rank 1-5 (excluding Subleaders) is obligated to fulfill an activity report.

4.3.2 Admins and Helpers will have a reduced activity report compared to other members.

4.3.3 Cheating or assisting a colleague to cheat the activity report is strictly prohibited (sanction: dismissal).

4.3.4 Favoritism and discrimination towards players are prohibited (sanction: Faction Warn).

4.3.5 Members are not allowed to have an active duty for activities unrelated to the activity report (e.g., poker, backgammon, jobs, quests, etc.) (sanction: Verbal Warning for the first offense, Faction Warn if repeated).

4.3.6 Leave requests via PM are not accepted for the activity report. The only way to be excused is by submitting an inactivity request on RPG.

Info note

Members with inactivity requests or newly joined members are exempt from fulfilling the report (except for those who join at the beginning of the week).

Failing to Finish the Activity Report
  • players of rank 1 who fail to finish their activity report will be automatically dismissed from the faction with FP 60/60.

  • players of at least rank 2 who fail to finish their activity report will initially enter recovery mode.

    • this means that in the following reporting week, they will need to recover the unfinished points from the previous week in addition to the points they need to collect from the current report.
  • if the player fails to finalize the report even during the recovery week, they will be sanctioned as follows:

    • players of rank 2 will be automatically dismissed with FP 10/60.
    • players of at least rank 3 will receive initial rank down, and if they still do not complete their report, they will be automatically dismissed with FP 10/60.

Hours Played

4.4.1 All faction members are required to have a minimum of real hours played within a month. The number of hours and sanctions for their absence can be found in Leader Rules -> Member Activity.

4.4.2 Players with a minimum seniority of one year in the faction, who have shown seriousness and involvement, are eligible, upon their request, to be exempted from the requirement to accumulate real hours played in a specific month.

4.4.3 This benefit can be used only once a year and will only exempt you from the requirement of played hours, not from submitting activity reports for that month. You still need to submit reports or opt for an inactivity request for the allowed period and use optional reports if you have them for the remaining period.

Inactivity Requests

4.5 All requests for inactivity are made only on the website. A member is entitled to a maximum of 14 days of inactivity once every 45 days.

  • rank 1 members do not have the right to inactivity.
  • rank 2 members are entitled to a maximum of one week of inactivity.
  • rank 3+ members are entitled to a maximum of two weeks of inactivity.

Info note

Members with approved inactivity requests are allowed to connect to the server and play. They will be exempt from the activity report.
Inactivity requests cannot be made for the current reporting week, only for the following weeks.

5. Departments Chat

Shared Chat [/d]

5.1.1 The general chat of departments [/d] is used to discuss important department-related matters.

5.1.2 The following are not allowed (sanction: Verbal Warning for the first offense, Faction Warn if repeated):

  • interrupting a higher-ranked member while they are speaking.
  • using emoticons on [/d] (this includes *smile*, *laugh*, and so on).
  • jokes, tasteless humor, sarcasm, mockery, comments.
  • arguments (sanction: Faction Warn for the first offense, dismissal if repeated).

5.1.3 Free discussion is allowed between 02:00 AM and 08:00 AM, respecting other restrictions (arguments, emoticons, spam, etc.).

5.1.4 If an entrance test is being conducted in any department, it is completely prohibited to speak freely until its completion (sanction: Verbal Warning for the first offense, Faction Warn if repeated).

5.1.5 Candidates with Rank 0 are not allowed to speak in this chat except when taking the entrance test (sanction: failed test).

Global Chat [/gov]

5.2 Using the [/gov] command without a well-founded reason (e.g., recruitments) is not allowed (sanction: Faction Warn or Rank Down depending on the case).

6. Departments Vehicles

Vehicle Overview

6.1.1 Do not use faction vehicles for personal purposes (sanction: Faction Warn).

6.1.2 When you find a department vehicle, you are obligated to announce that you are taking it, for example: /d I found a Bullet in the Bank SF area, I'm taking it.

6.1.3 Using the commands [/fvr] and [/fvs] for fun, spamming, disturbing a colleague, filling the garage, etc., is not allowed (sanction: Faction Warn or Rank Down for serious abuse/multiple offenses).


It must be announced on [/d] when you intend to use the [/fvr] command, and you must wait 5 seconds before using it. Failure to comply will be sanctioned according to the Fines section of the internal regulations.

6.1.4 A member of a department is obligated, if their car is parked at another department's HQ, to comply with their colleagues' requests to move their car ONLY in cases of real necessity (sanction: Verbal Warning for the first offense, Faction Warn if repeated). For example: The car is spawned over a department vehicle OR it blocks the entrance to a room or location in the HQ.

6.1.5 Reckless driving and disturbing traffic participants outside of an absolute necessity such as pursuing a suspect are prohibited (sanction: Faction Warn).

6.1.6 Abusive use of vehicles equipped with rockets, miniguns, or water cannons (firing rockets in crowded areas, random DM with minigun, intentionally and without reason wetting players, etc.) will result in dismissal and department ban.

6.1.7 You can use Rank 1 and 2 department vehicles without asking or notifying. For Rank 3+ vehicles, you must announce on [/d] when you take them. If the department from which you take a vehicle has a specific activity and needs vehicles, they have every right to notify you on [/d] about this, and you are obligated to leave the vehicles in this situation (sanction: Verbal Warning for the first offense, Faction Warn if repeated).


6.2.1 When it comes to department aircrafts (police helicopters, Rustler, Hunter, and Hydra), you are required to seek approval from a Rank 4+ member of that department before using them (sanction: Verbal Warning for the first offense, Faction Warn if repeated).

6.2.2 Members of Rank 5+ do not need to request approval, but they must provide a reason on [/d] before using them (sanction: Verbal Warning for the first offense, Faction Warn if repeated).

6.2.3 You are allowed to use National Guard aircraft (Hydra, Hunter, Rustler) for airborne suspect or suspects without surrender rights who are on a building with limited space, accessible only by parachute, for example: the tall towers in LS and SF, the high balconies near the Dealership apartments, the lighthouse in LS.


Attention, the locations listed above serve only as examples, as a basis for interpreting the rule above, but are not limited to those locations (sanction: Rank Down for the first offense, dismissal if it continues).

7. Government Territory

7.1 Government properties include department headquarters [both exterior and interior] and the jail.

7.2 Only department members, players undergoing department entrance tests, surrendering suspects, attorneys who need to release someone (not those advertising themselves), or players brought there by a higher rank with a specific reason are allowed on government properties.

7.3 Using weapons without a well-founded reason in department garages, especially in areas where suspects are arrested, is not allowed (sanction: Faction Warn).

7.4 Players who are not allowed to stay on government property will be summoned at least 3 times and will have 30 seconds from the last summon to leave the area, otherwise, they will be sanctioned with a wanted level. If they leave but return, they will not be summoned again and will be sanctioned directly with a wanted level (sanction: Faction Warn).

8. Radar

Radar Overview

8.1.1 To sanction a player, you need photo/video evidence showing the red warning on the screen for speeding (sanction: Faction Warn).

8.1.2 Police members using a different speed limit on the radar is prohibited (sanction: Faction Warn).

8.1.3 The radar must be set up after you have parked properly, never while driving (sanction: Faction Warn).

8.1.4 Placing the radar in a different city than your HQ requires approval from the department in that city (sanction: Faction Warn).

8.1.5 Before placing the radar, make sure there is no colleague nearby, then announce its placement on /d (sanction: Verbal Warning).

8.1.6 You are not allowed to be AFK with the radar on (sanction: Verbal Warning).

8.1.7 It is forbidden to place the radar in areas where it is obstructed by various game textures, such as walls, bridges, etc. The radar cannot be placed either below or above these structures (sanction: Faction Warn).

Speed Limits

8.2.1 The maximum speed limit in cities is 100 km/h.
8.2.2 The maximum speed limit outside cities is 130 km/h.
8.2.3 The maximum speed limit on highways is 160 km/h.

Speeding Violations

8.3.1 Incorrect application of the sanction is punishable (sanction: Faction Warn).
8.3.2 For "Speed Limit Violation (Under 50km/h)" only a fine is applied for players of level 4+.
8.3.3 For "Speed Limit Violation (Over 50km/h)" the sanctions are as follows:

  • players with level 1 - 3: will only be warned, no sanctions will be given.
  • players with level 4 - 7: can choose between a fine or license confiscation.
  • players with level 8+: will be fined + their license will be confiscated.

Info note

If a player between level 4 - 7 has chosen to pay the fine, paid it, and then repeated the offense, another fine cannot be issued, so their license will be suspended.

9. Summons

Summons Overview

9.1.1 The rules below also apply to AFK players (with or without an hourglass).

9.1.2 The police officer is obligated to ensure that when summoning a suspect, they are close enough for the suspect to see the summons.

9.1.3 Only summons specifically addressed to the player and visible to them are considered.

9.1.4 Contacting a player from a distance with the purpose of convincing or forcing the pursued player to cooperate (e.g., [/sms], [/call], [/wt], [/c], [/ac], etc.) is prohibited (sanction: Faction Warn).

9.1.5 Players are summoned, whether wanted or not, using the [/ms] command. This command automatically detects if the player is wanted, sending a specific message for each situation. If the player does not have surrender rights or is too far away, the officer will receive a specific message and will not allow the summons.

9.1.6 In dialogue and on-foot pursuit of a suspect, summons addressed through [/say], [/s], [/b] are considered valid. If in the given situation it cannot be interpreted that they are interacting with someone else, the officer no longer has the obligation to mention the player's name.

9.1.7 Do not spam when summoning a player. Offering 6 or more unjustified summons to a player is considered spam. There must be at least 3 seconds between summons (sanction: Verbal Warning).

9.1.8 The police officer is obligated to yield a suspect to another officer if the latter has summoned them earlier (sanction: Faction Warn).

Approaching Summoned Players

9.2.1 Before giving a player a wanted level, they must be summoned at least 3 times (within a maximum interval of 5 minutes from the first summons), and if the player stays still and does not respond (AFK without an hourglass), you must wait at least 30 seconds before sanctioning them (sanction: Faction Warn).

9.2.2 If a player refuses to exit the vehicle for a routine check after being properly summoned at least 3 times, they will receive Wanted 2 for disobeying orders. Furthermore, if the suspect exits the vehicle when summoned to surrender, and after you use [/frisk] you notice they have drugs in their possession, you have the right to give them Wanted 3 for drug possession (totaling Wanted 5). If they are cuffed and you need to confiscate the drugs, you can use [/eject] followed by [/confiscate] in the department garage.

9.2.3 If you are pursuing a suspect on foot without a wanted level and they continue to flee even after receiving 3 summons, you have the right to give them Wanted 2 for disobeying orders.

9.2.4 If a player is summoned at least 3 times to exit a vehicle and fails to comply, you may give them Wanted 2 for disobeying orders.

9.2.5 Players carrying a player without surrender rights as a passenger will be summoned once to use the [/eject] command on the player without surrender rights. If they do not comply within 15 seconds, they will be sanctioned with Wanted 6 as an accomplice.

10. Tickets and Confiscating

10.1.1 The ticket and confiscate commands will only be used on players who are not AFK or who intentionally go AFK in front of you knowing they are about to be sanctioned (sanction: Faction Warn).

10.1.2 Using commands inside arenas (paintball, gungame, etc.) is not allowed (sanction: Faction Warn).

10.1.3 Only members of the police departments (LSPD, LVPD, SFPD) can issue fines, and the only accepted method is the [/ticket] command (sanction: Faction Warn).

10.1.4 Police officers are not allowed to punish event organizers/helpers for traffic violations during the events on the server. This exception is valid for the duration of the event. Use the command [/event] to check if your suspect is part of an event organizing team (sanction: Faction Warn).

Confiscate Overview

10.2.1 It is not allowed to confiscate weapons, materials, or drugs from players with wanted levels without surrender rights (sanction: Faction Warn).

10.2.2 It is not allowed to confiscate weapons from players without wanted levels who attack police officers, they are to be sanctioned with Wanted 3 for assaulting an officer (sanction: Faction Warn).

10.2.3 Do not sanction for possession or use of drugs without evidence obtained through [/frisk] or the message of drug use near you (sanction: Verbal Warning for the first offense, Faction Warn if it continues).

Confiscating the Driving License

  • speeding between 50-100 km/h over the limit - 1 hour
  • reckless driving, disturbing traffic, illegal parking, or using NOS (while moving on a public road) - 1 hour
  • speeding over 100 km/h over the limit - 2 hours
  • repeating a previously specified offense while already under a received suspension (within the remaining minutes of the suspension) - 3 hours
  • driving with a blood alcohol concentration of 3.0 - 1 hour
  • using hydraulics on public roads (not in fields, in front of houses, parking lots, sand roads, forests, etc.) - 1 hour

10.3.1 Rules for confiscating a driver's license for exceeding the speed limit are applied according to the Speeding Violations section of the rules.

10.3.2 If a player is ordered to pull over, the police officer is obliged to guide them to park properly on the right side, where there is space and they do not obstruct other traffic participants (e.g., on the sidewalk, on the right side of the highway, on the right side of the tunnel, etc.). If the player refuses to park properly, then the police officer has the right to sanction them.

Confiscating the Materials License and Materials

10.4.1 A police officer has the right to confiscate materials, the material license, and to fine players when they use them to create or sell different weapons near them. If a civilian uses materials nearby, the police officer has the following obligations:

  • for players levels 1 - 3 no sanction will be given.
  • for players levels 4 - 19 the materials will be confiscated.
  • for players level 20+ both the material license and the materials will be confiscated.

10.4.2 If the player in question abuses this (sells/creates weapons at least 3 times in front of the police officer), the license can be confiscated regardless of the player's level.

10.4.3 If a player possesses materials but not the material license, they will be fined, and the materials will be confiscated.

Confiscating the Weapon License and Weapons

10.5.1 The Weapons License is confiscated when weapons are used near a police officer with the intent to attack another player without reason.

10.5.2 Weapons are confiscated when they are openly carried near a member of the departments. [exceptions: events, trainings].

10.5.3 You are not allowed to confiscate weapons from players on a turf clan. Exception only if there are suspects with wanted and surrender rights on that turf clan. The rule applies only to players who are part of a clan (sanction: Faction Warn).

10.5.4 Do not confiscate melee weapons or sexual items. The only exception is the smoke grenades from 24/7 stores only if they are used to create chaos or lag (sanction: Faction Warn).

10.5.5 It is allowed to confiscate the weapons of a surrendering suspect if they are openly carried or used to attack other players.

10.5.6 Weapons can be confiscated by members of any department.

Confiscating Drugs

10.6.1 They are confiscated when a player is found to have them in their possession, even if the player is AFK (with or without a hourglass).

10.6.2 They can be confiscated by members of any department.

Confiscating the Flying, Fishing, Sailing Licenses

10.7 Usually, there's no reason to confiscate these licenses, but they can be confiscated if the officer finds a good enough reason to do so.

Some examples:

  • Flying License: disturbing participants in road / air / maritime traffic with the aircraft, improper parking (ON THE GROUND) of the aircraft, kamikaze, etc.
  • Sailing License: disturbing participants in maritime traffic, kamikaze, etc.

11. Frisking

11.1 Using it on colleagues from other departments without their approval is not allowed, except for Rank 5+ (sanction: Verbal Warning).

11.2 Unlike those in PDs, FBI and National Guard members will use this command less frequently (see internal regulations).

11.3 It is prohibited to use [/frisk] or [/su] on any player while they are in a poker game. When the player is not playing at the poker table, you can use [/frisk] or [/su]. If a player runs after [/frisk] to the poker table during a game, you can report them on the RPG for NON-RP behavior (sanction: Faction Warn).

11.4 Using the command inside arenas (paintball, gungame, etc.) is not allowed (sanction: Faction Warn).

11.5 The /frisk command can be used on AFK players (with or without an hourglass).

12. Tazering

12.1 The command can be used on suspects with or without wanted when they do not cooperate or endanger other players (sanction: Verbal Warning).

12.2 In the case of suspects without the right to surrender, it is used when you are outnumbered or in a 1 vs 1 situation (sanction: Faction Warn).

12.3 The command can be used a maximum of 5 times on the same suspect (sanction: Faction Warn).

12.4 It is used to identify a Hitman agent when they have visible weapons, do not leave the Government Territory, or endanger a player's life (sanction: Faction Warn).

12.5 If you are pursuing a player on foot and they do not cooperate when you command them to stop, you have every right to use the equipped stun gun [/tazer].

13. Giving Wanted

Wanted Overview

13.1.1 Giving wanted status is not allowed in arenas (paintball, gungame, etc.) (sanction: Faction Warn).

13.1.2 You are not allowed to give wanted status to AFK players, except when they possess drugs or go AFK in front of you immediately after committing a crime (sanction: Faction Warn).

13.1.3 You are not allowed to give wanted status for attacking a police officer if you attack a bunker for supplies and the owner tries to defend it. Likewise, if a police officer's bunker is attacked, they are allowed to defend it. The attack and defense must be carried out without department members having active duty (sanction: Faction Warn).

13.1.4 You are not allowed to give Wanted 3 for attacking a police officer over another wanted status, regardless of the situation. If a suspect attacks you, they lose their right to surrender and can be killed on the spot in self-defense (sanction: Faction Warn).

13.1.5 You are not allowed to give Wanted 3 for attacking a police officer to players who attack you in a safe zone, but you can confiscate their weapons. If you are in a vehicle in a safe zone and are attacked, then you can sanction the civilian with Wanted 3 for attacking a police officer.

13.1.6 Wanted status can only be given based on your own evidence or that of your department colleagues (sanction: Faction Warn).

13.1.7 A police officer is allowed to give wanted status when a suspect attacks another police officer if the attacked officer cannot or does not manage to provide evidence of the incident.

13.1.8 Any wanted status must be given within a maximum of 5 minutes from the moment the suspect commits a punishable offense with wanted status.

13.1.9 When someone attacks you while you are off-duty, you can go on duty and give them wanted status within the first 5 minutes of the offense.

13.1.10 Suspects with wanted status who attack police officers automatically forfeit their right to surrender and will be killed.

13.1.11 If a player runs over a police officer who is on foot and the officer loses life, the player will receive wanted status for attacking a police officer. However, if the officer is in a vehicle and the player repeatedly hits them with a vehicle, the player will receive wanted status for Drive-by (sanction: Faction Warn).

13.1.12 To give wanted 1 for "theft" to a player, they must steal your personal vehicle, whether you are on a mission or not. If the suspect steals your vehicle (drives away with it), they will receive Wanted 6 runner without any other warnings (sanction: Faction Warn).

13.1.13 To give wanted 3 for "attacking a police officer," the player must attack you with fists/feet at least 4 times or once with a weapon. Make sure you have VIDEO or MULTIPLE PHOTOS, otherwise, you risk being sanctioned for insufficient evidence (sanction: Faction Warn).

13.1.14 If you are attacked or killed and do not have duty, you can go on duty and offer Wanted 3 for attacking a police officer to the player within a maximum of 5 minutes from the offense, provided you use [/mdc] beforehand and make sure the player does not already have wanted status. If the player already has wanted status (regardless of the reason) when they attack you, they can be killed by the police officer on the spot in self-defense. Regarding members of the traffic team, they are NOT allowed to pursue suspects but only to kill them in self-defense when attacked (sanction: Faction Warn).

13.1.15 Players who use [/pickpocket] on you and fail to steal money from you will not be sanctioned with wanted status. You can only give them the specific wanted status if they successfully take your money (sanction: Faction Warn).

13.1.16 Before giving wanted status for unfounded calls, you are required to announce this on [/d], in the form: unfounded ID/name (sanction: Verbal Warning).

13.1.17 When attempting to apprehend a suspect in the work vehicle and you are obstructed by other civilians, you have the right to summon them 3 times on [/m] to clear the space around the vehicle. If they do not comply, the civilians will be sanctioned with wanted for Disobeying Orders. If there is space in the vehicle, they will be ordered to surrender. If there is no space, they will be summoned again 3 times on [/m] to clear the space around the vehicle, and if they do not comply, they can be killed with the wanted level they have.

Accomplice Wanted

13.2.1 If a player with wanted status (with the right to surrender) is a passenger in a vehicle, they will be summoned, and if the driver does not [/eject], then the driver will be sanctioned with wanted 6 "accomplice" without further warnings. ATTENTION! The passenger with wanted status does NOT lose their right to surrender (sanction: Faction Warn).

13.2.2 If an escaped player from prison is a passenger in a car, the driver will receive wanted 6 accomplice without warnings.

13.2.3 If a player has a passenger with wanted status who shoots at police officers, they will receive wanted 6 accomplice without warnings.

13.2.4 If a suspect with wanted status has a civilian passenger who shoots at police officers, the attacker will receive wanted 6 accomplice without warnings.

13.2.5 If a player intervenes in the pursuit of a suspect (by punching the police officer, running over the police officer with a car, attacking them with a weapon at close range, or killing the suspect with a wanted level after they have been ordered to surrender), they will receive Wanted 6 as an accomplice without warnings.

14. Treating Suspects

Suspects Overview

14.1.1 Members are not allowed to ask civilians for help in pursuing suspects, with or without wanted status. If they need assistance, they can request it from other departments, but never from civilians (sanction: Faction Warn).

14.1.2 Suspects with wanted status in your custody must be cuffed (/cuff) (sanction: Verbal Warning).

14.1.3 Once a suspect is apprehended, you are obligated to transport them immediately to the nearest police station. Anyone who unnecessarily delays, stops for no reason, or drives extremely slowly to mock them will be sanctioned. Suspects apprehended near or in Jail can be arrested directly there (sanction: Faction Warn).

14.1.4 You are not allowed to kill players who are wearing a prisoner skin if they have not yet received wanted for escaping (sanction: Faction Warn).

Suspects Processing

14.2.1 Before killing a player with wanted status who has the right to surrender, they must be prompted to surrender at least 3 times (within a maximum interval of 5 minutes from the first prompt), and if the player remains stationary, a minimum of 30 seconds must be waited before killing them (sanction: Faction Warn).

14.2.2 If a suspect (with the right to surrender) is AFK with wanted status (on ESC), prompt them, notify on [/d] that they are AFK stating the exact time, including seconds, and after 3 minutes (180 seconds), they can be killed.

14.2.3 If the suspect remains motionless when asked to surrender (provided that they are found standing still and remain still after being warned), the officer must wait for 30 seconds before having the right to kill them.

14.2.4 If the suspect declares that they will not surrender, then the officer has the right to kill them.

14.2.5 If the suspect initially declares surrender and then flees on foot from the officer, then the officer has the right to kill them.

14.2.6 If the suspect initially declares that they will not surrender or flees on foot from the officer, and then changes their mind and wishes to surrender, the officer has the right to kill them.

14.2.7 If the suspect declares surrender and then attacks the officer, then the officer has the right to kill them.

14.2.8 If the suspect flees using a vehicle, regardless of their previous response to the officer, they may be sanctioned with Wanted 6 runner.

14.2.9 If you are chasing a suspect for arrest using any type of motorcycle, and the suspect claims they cannot get on, you are obligated to unlock the vehicle to give them a chance to get on as a passenger. If the suspect used this excuse to steal your motorcycle, you have the right to sanction them with Wanted 6 runner without prior warnings.

15. Rank Promotion

15.1 Rank promotion can be done manually by the leader when they deem it appropriate, respecting the minimum periods, or automatically by the server.

15.1.1 The minimum durations for rank promotion can be viewed in Leader Rules -> Member Promotion and Faction Slots.

15.2 Requesting a rank-up is allowed, but not in an abusive manner by spamming the leader. Violation of this rule will be sanctioned with Faction Warn.

15.3 The Subleader rank is assigned by the leader when they deem it appropriate, respecting Leader Rules -> Choosing Subleaders.

Info note

If you are demoted from Subleader, you will receive a rank based on your total seniority in the faction. For the next promotion, counting will start from the moment you lost the Subleader position.

For further details about demotion from Subleader and subsequent promotion, you can access Leaders' Regulation -> Replacing Subleaders.

16. Transfers

16.1 A department member can transfer between departments following these steps:

  • the member must send a private message to the leader of their current department and the leader of the department they wish to transfer to. -both leaders must agree for the member to be transferred between departments.
  • if the transfer is accepted, the member must resign from their current department and apply to join the department they wish to transfer to.
  • if the transfer is between police departments, no tests will be required, and the member will immediately receive Rank 1.
  • if the transfer is between a police department and the National Guard or FBI, then the member will undergo a test chosen by the leader of the department they wish to transfer to.
  • if the member passes the test provided by the leader, they may receive Rank 1, and the transfer will be finalized.
  • if the member fails the test, they will become a civilian.
  • if the member's application is copied or made in mockery, it will be rejected.

16.2 A department member who successfully transfers to another department will receive Rank 1, regardless of their rank in their previous department.

16.3 The member must have a minimum of 14 days in their current department before applying for a transfer to another department.

17. Website Complaints

Reporting Colleagues/Your Leader

17.1.1 Reporting colleagues or the leader directly on the website, even from secondary accounts, is prohibited, except for illegal businesses, account hacking, codes, prohibited mods, bug abuse, advertising, scams (sanction: Faction Warn for the first offense, dismissal if it continues).

17.1.2 Colleagues can be reported to the leader via a private message on the forum. The leader can be reported to the admins by opening a ticket on the website.

17.1.3 Colleagues are considered members of all departments (PD, FBI, NG).


17.2.1 All proofs from the server must include server markings with the date, time, player's name, and server name (invalid proofs).

17.2.2 In the case of a faction member being reported, the [/timestamp] command must always be activated (warning: Verbal Warning for the first offense, Faction Warn if it persists).

17.2.3 A proof is valid for a maximum of 3 days (invalid proofs). You have 24 hours to provide evidence in your defense, except when you have an inactivity request. In this case, you have 24 hours after the expiration of inactivity to present the evidence.

17.2.4 For browser-based proofs, only videos are accepted where at least one page refresh is given to demonstrate that the proof is not falsified (invalid proofs).

17.2.5 A police officer's evidence can be used in defense of another police officer in the case of a complaint.

17.2.6 Once a player makes a complaint to the faction, the leader must respond to it within 48 hours, and the complainant can provide additional evidence within 24 hours (sanction: Faction Warn).

Language and Witnesses

17.3.1 It is forbidden to severely insult or speak vulgarly in complaints (sanction: dismissal).

17.3.2 Inappropriate comments in complaints, various offenses through evidence, inciting arguments without providing valid evidence for the reported issue and without being involved in the actions that led to the reported problem will be sanctioned as follows:

  • for witnesses added by the COMPLAINANT as well as for the complainant (the one who opens the complaint): the complaint will be ignored, with no right to refile the complaint.
  • for witnesses added by the ACCUSED as well as for the accused (the faction member who is reported): they will be sanctioned with Verbal Warning for minor things or Faction Warn for more serious matters, in addition to the sanction they should receive for the complaint if they were guilty of something.

Minor things: light teasing, links to soft songs, light jokes, sarcasm, etc.
More serious matters: mockery, insults, links to insulting/vulgar songs, etc.

Info note

The above rules also apply to deleted comments, witnesses added, and evidence posted in complaints.

18. Removing Sanctions

18.1 Sanctions such as Verbal Warning and Faction Warn can be manually removed by the leader when they deem it appropriate, respecting the minimum waiting period, or automatically by the server.

18.1.1 The minimum durations for the removal of sanctions can be viewed in Leader Rules -> Member Promotion and Faction Slots.

19. Dismissal

Faction Punish 0/60:

  • members who have been active for at least 2 weeks and submit their resignation without having any complaints are granted an uninvite without Faction Punish.

Faction Punish 10/60:

19.1 Any member who accumulates 3/3 Faction Warns will be dismissed with Faction Punish 10.

  • the only exception being those who have less than 2 weeks in the faction.

  • 3/3 Faction Warns will be granted to all members who must be dismissed without Faction Punish 60 or Faction Punish 0.

  • 3/3 Faction Warns will be granted to members who have a minimum of 2 weeks in the faction and have received a ban of 3 days or more.

Faction Punish 60/60:

19.2 Any member who has less than 2 weeks in the faction will be dismissed with Faction Punish 60.

Info note

There may be certain exceptions where players can leave without Faction Punish, these exceptions being determined by the admins.

19.3 In special cases, Faction Punish 60 may be granted to members who have been in the faction for over 2 weeks.

  • members banned for cheats or mods with a duration of 30 days will always be dismissed with FP 60/60.

  • members with bans who somehow manage to enter a faction will always be dismissed with FP 60/60.

  • members who abuse their position (intentionally unjustifiably giving wanted status to multiple players, intentionally unjustifiably confiscating from multiple players, intentionally unjustifiably killing multiple players with the right to surrender, using aircraft to intentionally destroy/kill multiple vehicles/players, spamming with or without insults/swear words on [/gov], etc.) will always be dismissed with FP 60/60 and banned for 14 days for this.

  • members who fraud faction applications (applying from secondary accounts with the aim of forcing the closure of applications for friends, having friends apply with the same purpose, or other such situations - the sanction is given regardless of the faction you belong to, even if it does not correspond with the one where you committed the fraud, and applies to all accounts where you are a faction member).


If you have received a ban of 3 days or more, you will only be able to remain in the faction if you are unbanned through an unban request, not if you purchase an unban with gold.

20. Blacklist

20.1.1 Players of at least level 7 can be added to the blacklist, whether they are part of a faction or civilians.

20.1.2 Adding a player to the blacklist will be done by members of rank 4+ and only based on clear evidence that will be posted on the forum in the evidence topic for the blacklist (sanctions: Faction Warn for the first offense, Rank Down if it continues).

20.1.3 Removing a player from the blacklist will be done by members of rank 4+ in case a player was added mistakenly, removing players without reason being sanctioned (sanctions: Faction Warn for the first offense, Rank Down if it continues).

20.1.4 Blacklisted players cannot be killed or attacked by department members.

Blacklist Warnings

  • 1 warning: excessive severe insults towards a member or the faction, disruption of a member's duty.
  • 2 warnings: vulgar language, excessive disruption of a member during their duty or activities, tampering with entrance tests alongside a 3-month ban.

Info note

Blacklisting will not be granted to departments for things that can be sanctioned with a wanted status.
One warning will be issued for each offense.

Paying the Blacklist

20.2.1 Faction players on the blacklist have 72 hours, if they do not have an inactivity request, to pay the blacklist fee. Otherwise, they will be initially sanctioned with Verbal Warning, and if the blacklist fee is not paid within the next 24 hours, the member will be dismissed.

20.2.2 The blacklist fee is paid on the website or directly in-game through specific commands, without giving the money to a member of that faction.

20.2.3 Once the payment has been made, the player will be automatically removed from the blacklist.

20.2.4 It is forbidden for faction members to ask or accept money for the blacklist instead of informing the player to use the appropriate commands (sanction: dismissal).

21. Others

Tester Status

21.1.1 This status is assigned by the leader to members of at least rank 4 when they deem it appropriate.

21.1.2 Members with this status are obligated to respect Leader Rules -> Testing Candidates, and will be sanctioned accordingly for any violations.

21.1.3 Members ranked between 4 and 6 (inclusive) are strictly prohibited from changing a candidate's status to rejected/accepted without the leader's consent. Changing a player's status without the leader's consent is considered favoritism and is punished with a Faction Warn for the first offense, Rank Down if it continues.

21.1.4 Before starting a test, make sure the applicant's communication channels are closed. Once you use [/ft] on a player, normally, their communication channels are automatically closed. The command [/togcomms] toggles the communication channels open or closed.

21.1.5 In recruitment scenarios where the candidate can be tested by any tester, a tester is not allowed to conduct tests with a player from the same clan/alliance (sanction: RANK DOWN + Faction Warn). The exception applies to the leader and subleaders, along with any special situations that may arise, determined by leadership, where this may be tolerated, applied immediately depending on the case.

21.1.6 In recruitment scenarios where each candidate is assigned one or more testers, the testers are not allowed to test anyone other than the candidates they have been assigned to. An exception applies to Rank 6, they can test any candidate at any time (sanction: RANK DOWN + removal from the tester position).


21.2.1 Any legal job can be held except Lawyer (sanction: Verbal Warning for the first offense, Faction Warn if it persists).

21.2.2 The leader has the right to force members to use a certain job for a specific period of time in order to carry out faction work (sanction: Faction Warn).

21.2.3 It is forbidden to have materials, drugs, or other illegal items on you (sanction: Faction Warn).

21.2.4 If you use another job than Detective, you are required to be off-duty.

21.2.5 With the approval of an Admin 4+, you can take on illegal jobs in the case of a special event.

21.2.6 You are not allowed to practice (use [/work] or other commands related to starting the job) any job other than Detective or Mechanic (strictly for maintaining pursuit vehicles) when you are on duty (sanction: Verbal Warning for the first offense, Faction Warn for the next).


21.3 It will be used when pursuing a suspect with or without a wanted level who is inside a building, to heal yourself when chasing a suspect, or for headquarters searches when it comes to warrants (sanction: Verbal Warning).


21.4.1 Clear will only be granted to individuals wrongly sanctioned, not to those you've instructed to kill you (sanction: Faction Warning).

21.4.2 Under no circumstances are you allowed to clear a Wanted 5 for killing a police officer (sanction: Faction Warning).

21.4.3 It is prohibited to use [/clear] on someone without announcing a well-founded reason on [/d] (sanction: Faction Warning).


21.5 Wearing a skin other than the one corresponding to your rank/job without the leader's approval is sanctioned (sanction: Verbal Warning for the first offense, Faction Warn if it persists).

Info note

With the Leader's permission, other skins can be worn besides the rules mentioned above.

Clan Zones

21.6.1 Department members who are part of official clans are not allowed to attack members of other official clans inside or near clan zones.

21.6.2 Department members are not allowed to intervene in clan zones during spraying (sanction: Faction Warning). Exceptions to the rule:

  • if the player already has a wanted level, ordering them to surrender, or if you are attacked.
  • when a member attacks a member from a clan unrelated to that turf (provide evidence with the clan name on the wall).
  • when a player has a wanted level and needs to be arrested.
  • when a clan member engages in DM against other players who are not part of a clan.
  • when a police officer is intentionally attacked (there must be demonstrative video evidence that you were intentionally attacked).
  • if the player violates any traffic rules.

Gang HQs

21.7.1 You are not allowed to stay at gang HQs (including the courtyard of HQs) without a specific purpose (DM in HQ, suspect in HQ) and confiscate items or use [/frisk] on players (sanction: Faction Warning).

21.7.2 It is prohibited to confiscate weapons from a player who is in an HQ or in the courtyard of an HQ, unless they are attacking you or using them to attack other players (sanction: Faction Warning).


21.8.1 You can participate in any type of event. However, if you participate in illegal races and drive recklessly, you will be penalized according to the regulations.

21.8.2 You can only participate in violent events if you are OFF DUTY. If you are caught ON DUTY at these events, you risk being sanctioned. When attending a violent event, you are required to take a picture showing the text confirming that you are off duty (sanction: Faction Warning).

21.8.3 A police officer can participate in events organized by an ADMIN or events organized by a player such as: Simon Says, trivia, race (as long as they drive correctly), stunt, find the location, deagle event, find and kill event, etc.

21.8.4 When attending a violent event, you are required to take a screenshot showing the text "You are not on duty".

Release Warrants

21.9.1 Members of rank 3+ can sell warrants (accept lawyers) to lawyers, thereby giving their consent for the release of players from jail.

21.9.2 There is no universal price for [/lawyer], but each will negotiate their own price with the buyer within the limits set by the script. Anyone who violates the script's limits when selling a warrant will be sanctioned with Faction Warn.

22. Fines

22.1 These fines will be awarded in-game using the [/fines] system only by the leader or subleaders when necessary based on clear evidence. These fines can be paid within a maximum of 48 hours from the time they were received. Members who do not pay the active fines using the [/fines] command within 48 hours of receiving them will be automatically sanctioned by the server with Faction Warn.

  • Illegal parking - 30,000$
  • Reckless driving - 35,000$
  • Using hydraulics on a public road - 100,000$
  • Using NOS - 100,000$
  • Exceeding legal speed between 50-100 km/h - pay fine to the police officer in-game
  • Exceeding legal speed over 100 km/h - pay fine to the police officer in-game
  • Headlights off - 30,000$
  • Using the [/FVR] command without prior announcement - 50,000$ + Verbal Warning first offense, Faction Warn if repeated
  • Excessive use of Caps Lock on [/r] or any chat during an activity/training - 30,000$
  • Disobeying instructions of a higher rank during activities/training - 75,000$
  • Excessive use of emoticons on [/r] or any chat during an activity/training - 30,000$
  • Spam on [/r] - 30,000$
  • Vehicle parked in the faction's vehicle spot or blocking entry/exit with them - 50,000$
  • Excessive use of the [/FVS] command when not needed, e.g., activity, parade, checkpoint - 75,000$

23. Exceptions

23.1 We reserve the right to make exceptions to these rules. In certain cases, the sanctions may be different.
23.2 These exceptions can only be made with the permission of an Admin 6.